Mrs. Schieck’s Third- Grade Class Welcome!
Welcome to Third Grade! I will introduce you to third grade and to our classroom. If you have any thoughts or questions during my presentation, please file it away and when I’m finished I will answer all questions.
All About Me My background I’ve taught in Japan, Brooklyn, Guggenheim and Salem. My hobbies are running, cycling, swimming, reading, traveling and playing with my cats!
My Family My husband Peter My daughter Katrina Our cats Sheldon Sara Muffin Peter and Me Sheldon Sara KatrinaMuffin
My Goals To give my students the academic and social skills they need to progress to fourth grade. To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment. To help them make new friends and discover new interests and cultures. To take a trip around the world!
Class Subjects The subjects we cover during third grade meeting common core standards are: Reading and writing Math Science Social studies Music and art
Reading Read a variety of genres Fiction Non fiction Social Studies Articles Skeletal System Books Biography Historical fiction Folktales Poetry * Fables
READING Reading Groups Partner Reading Reading Journals Independent Reading DEAR TIME
READING ASSESSMENTS One to one conferences with the teacher DRA: Directed Reading Assessments Reading Response Journals Comprehension Questions Completed Graphic Organizers Literature Circle Discussions
Writing Write for different purposes Entertain Study/ Summarize Facts Letters Poetry (word play) Process our reading
Writing Personal Journals Reading Response Journals Writing Workshop Model/ Columbia Writing Draft Revise Edit Publish Reflect
Math Triple Digit addition and subtraction using a variety of strategies Explaining how you got your answer Multiplication Making Change Elapsed Time Measurement Problem Solving Fractions Area and Perimeter
Science Systems/Energy Skeletal System Buoyancy Rocks and Minerals
Social Studies Communities Around the World North America South America Antarctica Asia Oceania Africa Europe
Music and Art Is incorporated in all social studies lessons.
Classroom Community Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our class rules are: Be respectful and responsible. Be organized and follow directions. Be on time. Be prepared.
Homework I will assign about 45 minutes of homework every night. This includes 20 minutes of reading. Parents can help, not do, if it is impossible, do not fight with your child Parent just write Mrs. Schieck a note that it was really difficult. Neatness, effort and care count!
Tardiness School starts at 8:45 A.M. If you aren’t in the classroom by that time, please check in at the school office before coming to class. Being on time is the best way to start the day!
Field Trips Baxter Pond Green Meadows Farms Festival of Cultures
House Keeping Sign up for a fall conference Class dues Please send in a check payable to Scholastic if you are ordering from the book club. Sign Up For Remind Notifications to Thank You!
Reading Buddies With Mrs. Keogh’s Class
Let’s Have a Great Year!