TELEWORKING AS AN OPTION IN THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT Presented by Ann Brewer Director, NIH Executive Secretariat
ADVANTAGES Teleworking may be your secret to a better bottom line through improved performance and increased morale. Teleworking helps address issues of recruitment, retention, traffic congestion, air quality, and parking.
ADVANTAGES (continued) Useful tool that can help attract and retain a 21 st century high-performing workforce that produces high-quality results. Opportunity to decrease commuting burden, gain greater control over workload – potentially providing a more balanced lifestyle. Natural mechanism for agencies’ emergency continuity of operations plans.
By the Numbers 20 of the 24 NIH Executive Secretariat Staff telework two days each week. Equates to 81,000 miles of automobile travel saved. Equivalent of circling the earth 3.2 times. Saves approximately $1,296/week or $64,780/year in vehicle operating costs. Reduces pollutants by approximately 1,722 lbs/week or 86,100 lbs/year.
DISADVANTAGES Management may feel less able to monitor staff productivity Decrease in face-to-face exchanges Staff may feel disconnected from their peers
CONSIDERATIONS What is your Agency’s available technology? How can teleworking meet your business needs? How does teleworking fit the job tasks at hand? What effect may teleworking have on the work group?
LOGISTICS Need buy-in by upper management. Need buy-in by staff. Need to develop policies. Need to define performance goals and objectives. Need to address required technology, work supplies, and resources. Need to address security and confidentiality.
POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Ensure teleworking does not diminish employee or agency performance. Incorporate telework in the agency’s continuity of operations plan. Provide a training program to both employees eligible to telework and to managers of teleworkers. Ensure that teleworking and non-teleworking employees are treated the same for purposes of pay, performance appraisals, and work requirements.
POLICY DEVELOPMENT Important to have staff work with management in policy development. Identify staff whose work will allow them to telework. Define how many staff can telework at one time. Identify who will cover needed in-house duties for teleworking staff.
POLICY DEVELOPMENT (continued) Develop work and family guidelines. Determine equipment and supplies covered by work unit. Define communication plan.
Legislation The Telework Enhancement Act was signed into law by President Obama on December 9, Requires federal agencies to provide support for telecommuting.
Important Features of the Bill Each executive agency to establish a policy under which eligible employees may be authorized to telework. Each agency is required to designate a Telework Managing Officer and incorporate telework in their continuity of operations planning. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will provide oversight and management support to Federal agencies.
Important Features of the Bill (continued) OPM will submit an annual report addressing the telework programs of each executive agency. Each agency must provide a telework training program for employees. Each agency will notify each employee of their eligibility and provide a written agreement of this eligibility. Each agency must provide a website devoted to federal teleworking.
EMPLOYEES REPORT THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: Improved work environment – fewer distractions. Enhanced job performance – productivity and work quality. Improved morale and job satisfaction. Greater sense of responsibility. Greater lifestyle flexibility. Less commute time and stress. Reduced transportation and work-related costs.
MANAGERS REPORT THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: Improved productivity and work quality. Opportunity to be a more innovative, progressive, and successful manager. More satisfied and loyal employees. Increased ability to attract and keep valued employees.
Any Questions? If you would like further information or copies of the NIH Executive Secretariat teleworking policy, please contact Ann Brewer: