GSU 1115 – Story & Structure of the Bible
Story – the Bible has one, big story Structure – the Bible’s big story is built of many little stories
The Bible is a mosaic The Bible is one BIG PICTURE The Bible is made up of many LITTLE PICTURES
Every little picture is meaningful in itself The little pictures add up to the big picture The little pictures are not the same as the big picture
When we try to make sense of the Bible, it is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle of a mosaic It is a hard task!
You are writing a Biblical Theology paper Systematic theology is shaped by logic (a system) Biblical theology is shaped by the Bible
Biblical theology explains the little pictures where they are found Biblical theology explains how the little pictures contribute to the big picture
Assignment requirements “A body section structured around an examination of the major texts in Bible that address the topic/theme” Pick out theme in the big picture and several little pictures that contribute to that theme
Assignment requirements “How this text uses this topic/theme: major contributions, changes, developments, alterations” Explain the little picture in its original setting Explain how each little picture is different from the others
Assignment requirements “The goal of this paper is to trace the way the topic/theme is used across Scripture” Explain the way the little pictures make the big picture
Assignment requirements “A concluding section that summarizes the paper’s findings” Explain the big picture
Assignment requirements “A concluding section that reiterates the importance of the theme for theology and the church, and provides one to two (1-2) points of application for believers” Explain how the big picture is important Explain how the big picture is useful