WORLD HISTORY II 3.A. Renaissance, Reform, and the Rise of State.


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Presentation transcript:

WORLD HISTORY II 3.A. Renaissance, Reform, and the Rise of State

Protestant Reformation The student will demonstrate knowledge of the Reformation in terms of its impact on Western civilization by a) explaining the effects of the theological, political, and economic differences that emerged, including the views and actions of Martin Luther, John Calvin,Henry VIII, and Elizabeth I.

Essential Questions What were the problems and issues that provoked religious reforms in Western Christianity? What were the beliefs of Martin Luther, John Calvin, Henry VIII and Elizabeth I?

Setting the Stage For centuries, the Roman Catholic Church had little competition in religious thought and action. The resistance of the Church to change led to the Protestant Reformation,which resulted in the birth of new political and economic institutions.

Conflicts that challenged the authority of the Church in Rome 1) Merchant wealth challenged the Church’s view of usury (Charging people to borrow money: church didn’t like it, but people began to do it). 2) German and English nobility disliked Italian domination of the Church. 3) The Church’s great political power and wealth caused conflict. 4) Church corruption and the sale of indulgences were widespread and caused conflict.

A picture of Mr. Luther

Martin Luther Was a priest Leader of the “Lutheran Tradition” Views: A) Salvation by faith alone. B) Bible is the ultimate authority. C) All humans are EQUAL before God. Actions: 95 Theses, Birth of Protestant Church.

A picture of Mr. Calvin

John Calvin Was a teacher/student of Theology (Religion) Views: A) Predestination B) faith revealed by living righteous life C) good work ethic. Actions: Expanded Protestant Church

Lets meet King Henry VIII

King Henry VIII The Anglican Tradition Views: Dismissed the authority of the Pope in Rome. Actions: A) Divorced, a Catholic Church no-no. B) Broke ties with Roman Catholic Church. C) Headed the new national church of England. D) Appropriated (took) where the lands and wealth of the Catholic Church of England would go.

Let’s Meet Queen Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth I Born 1533 (Queen from ) Daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn -Views/Actions Solidified the Anglican Church in England Tolerance for dissenters Expansion of colonialism Victory over the Spanish Armada (1588)