Developing Intelligences Mark Jenkins
Multiple Intelligences [Howard Gardner] Based on the belief that we have more than one intelligence – this has implications for the classroom There are 8: can you guess what they are? Linguistic Musical Logical-Mathematical Visual-Spatial Bodily-Kinaesthetic Inter-Personal Intra-Personal Naturalistic
Harley Gets Dinner In groups Observe Harley playing and identify What she does which demonstrates the focussed intelligence What her skills and knowledge are as demonstrated by this Note that her intelligences are holistic, she employs them together, not singly in her play Discuss your observations in your group and be prepared to feed back your findings
Introductory Lesson Planning Activity Create a lesson plan using the simple format provided on the next slide 1. Your tutor will explain the different section headings 2. Use these in your plan but devise a layout of your own as different sections will be of different lengths Each lesson should be based around one of Gardner’s multiple intelligences Choose one of the objects from the bag as the basis for your chosen intelligence and lesson.
Task Sheet Layout Item/MaterialIntelligence Age of ChildLearning Intention Activity – What will the Child Do? How will the Activity be Introduced? What questions will you ask the child to ensure the child understands? How will you know that learning has taken place?
Developing the Personal Intelligences How can the activities you have devised contribute to a child’s personal intelligences? Refer to both interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence in your responses
Directed Task 2 Myself As a Learner (Autobiography)
Do You Remember When You Began… To be independent Dressing oneself Self-maintenance To take responsibility in the household Joining in housework ( a real contribution rather than imitative play) Shopping for self Running errands for others To take responsibility for others Looking after a pet Helping to care for younger siblings Becoming a carer for a parent To have independence from parental guidance Making personal decisions (e.g. about how to spend time at weekends) Spend 5 minutes writing down key notes of your early childhood. What were your early experiences? Begin to think about your autobiography! All of us, and all of the children we teach, will have a different range of personal experience.
Directed Task 2 Autobiography See handbook page 7 for further details To write an autobiographical sketch of your early life [0-11 years] This must be brought to the seminar session in Week 4 – 18 th October About 1 side of A4 as a guide length [Advice – Get this done this week. Put it on the shelf and bring it along for week 4. You will have other things to do next week!]
Personal and Ethical Consideration This task is not meant to be prying or personally upsetting. If any student has issues they do not wish to tell other students, to keep to themselves, they should feel free to hold back any such information.
Cohort Representatives Please spend the next few minutes choosing 2 representatives for the group.