The professional growth and development of teachers is the fundamental purpose of teacher assessment.
The goal is to enable teachers to receive appropriate feedback in order to improve their teaching and their students’ learning. Accountability? / Teacher Development?
Talk to your clinical teacher about how he/she is assessed. Why are teachers assessed? What can you do to prepare for assessment?
No Child Left Behind Act: standards of teacher quality. 1. Full state certification. 2. Passed state teacher licensing examination. 3. Minimum: Bachelor’s Degree 4. Demonstrate subject matter competency.
National Board Certification: Bachelor’s Degree + 3 years classroom experience. Certification valid for 10 years. Certification fee: $2,300 – sometimes district subsidized. Salary increases. State to state reciprocity for hiring. Accepted as ‘elective’ credit at USU.
Tied to teacher retention. Period of teacher probation. District specific. Frequent observation during early years.
Formal feedback. May include portfolio. Performance standards outlined in evaluation instrument.
Administrator ‘drop-ins’ Peer Coaching Mentoring Teacher initiated observations
Focused skill observations Observing of peers Student Feedback Teacher Reflection Peer Learning Groups
SCED 4210: Utah Effective Teaching Standards: 1. Learner Development 2. Learning Differences 3. Learning Environments 4. Content Knowledge 5. Assessment 6. Instructional Planning 7. Instructional Strategies
Utah Effective Teaching Standards (cont.) 8. Reflection and Continuous Growth 9. Leadership and Collaboration 10. Professional and Ethical Behavior
Instructor Goals and Expectations: Factual Knowledge: (#1) Learning terminology, classifications, methods, and trends related to curriculum design and assessment.
Instructor Goals and Expectations: Application Knowledge: (#3) Learning to apply course materials to improve rational thinking, solve problems, and make teaching decisions.
Instructor Goals and Expectations: Professional Knowledge (#4) Developing skills, competencies and points of view related to assessment and curriculum design needed by classroom teachers in their specific contexts.
Instructor Goals and Expectations: Team Development Skills (#5) Acquiring skills in working with others as a member of a team.
In small groups: (5) Review the teacher evaluation instruments you have been given. On the team form, write down the strengths and weaknesses of the model. What questions do you have about the model?
Which one of the instruments would you prefer being evaluated by? Why?
How Can You Use Learning Communities in Your Classroom? Team-Building Activities Curriculum-Focused Tasks Group Projects/ Products Differentiated Learning Critical Thinking/ Inquiry Activities Performance? Other?
How can you help students be successful as they work in Classroom Learning Communities? Teach Group Skills Assign Roles Honest Feedback to Non-contributing Members Teacher/ Other Serves as Mediator
Five Critical Questions: 1) What is it we want all students to learn – by grade level, by course, and by unit of instruction?
2) How will we know when each student has learned – that is, has acquired the knowledge, skills, and dispositions deemed essential?
3) What are the best ways to teach what all students need to know and be able to do?
4) How will we respond when students experience initial difficulty in their learning?
5) How will we enrich and extend the learning for students who are already proficient?