Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Sunday, November 8, 2009
1 John 5:20 Jesus Christ is the True God. Pt. 2
John continues to prove who Jesus Christ is by reminding the believer of His attributes and our position in Him.
ESMEN = “We are” EN TO ALETHINO = Dative of Sphere Pronoun. “in the sphere of the True One” Another proof that Jesus Christ is God, because only God is Veracity – all truth.
The believer exists in the state of being in the Sphere of The True One. It’s the reality of the believer’s eternal position in Christ.
The whole world lies in the sphere of Satan’s Cosmic System, vs. 19, but the believer resides inside the Sphere of the True One, vs. 20, our Lord Jesus Christ, who is God.
EN TO HUIO AUTOU “In the Son of Him” or In the sphere of His Son (God the Father’s).
IESOUS = “Jesus” from the Hebrew, YEHOSHUA, Jehoshua or Joshua and literally means “Savior”. Emphasizing His humanity.
CHRISTOS = “Christ”, literally the Anointed One, which is equivalent to the Hebrew, “Messiah.” Emphasizing His deity, secondarily.
The True One is Jesus Christ, who is God, and the Son of God. He “is come”, “has given us insight”, so that “we might know” Him personally, and that we are in Union with Him forever.
We are given this information so that we can stand assured of our position in Christ and therefore our position in God as members of His Royal Family.
HOUTOS = “This One” ESTIN = “He is” HO ALETHINOS = “the true” THEOS = “God”
KAI AIONIOS ZOE = And eternal Life. It is through the True One, the God/Man, Jesus Christ that we have eternal life. KAI AIONIOS ZOE = And eternal Life. It is through the True One, the God/Man, Jesus Christ that we have eternal life.
1 John 5:20, “And in conclusion, we know that the Son of God has come (First Advent), and He has given us insight in order that we might know the True One, and we are in the sphere of the True One, in the sphere of His (God the Father’s) Son Jesus Christ. This One (Jesus Christ), He is the true God and eternal life.”
Grace Offering
Grace Fellowship Church Grace Fellowship Church Sunday, November 8, 2009 Tape # 09S-045 Jesus Christ is the True God, Part 2 1 John Series 1 John 5:20; Gal 2:20; Eph 1:13-14 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2009