APRIL 29 TH, 2013 Media Studies 120
iDoc Project Tomorrow you need the following ready to hand in: 1) A copy of your iDoc (on a USB stick, so I can put it on my computer, on a DVD, or uploaded to youtube). 2) A one page treatment of your documentary. Also be prepared to answer the questions from the assignment sheet!
Warm-Up This is Me Look fors: What worked? How do they (the filmmakers) persuade you to accept their point of view?
Power of Persuasion: Ethos An appeal to the authority or honesty of the presenter. It is how well the presenter convinces the audience that he or she is qualified to present (speak) on the particular subject. It can be done in many ways: 1)By being a notable figure in the field in question. 2)By having a vested interest in a matter, such as the person being related to the subject in question. 3) By using impressive logic and statistics that show to the audience that the speaker is knowledgeable on the topic. 4) By appealing to a person's ethics or character. Examples: scientist vs. homeless person talking about end of world, teacher vs. your friend (re: spelling).
Power of Persuasion: Pathos An appeal to the audience’s emotions. It can be an appeal to people’s imagination and hopes. It can also be an appeal to people’s fears. Pathos is particularly effective when used well. Bush – Axis of Evil
Power of Persuasion: Logos This is a logical appeal (or the simulation of it). It is normally used to describe facts and figures that support the speaker's claims or thesis. Having a logos appeal also enhances ethos because information makes the speaker look knowledgeable and prepared to his or her audience. In some cases, inaccurate, falsified, or miscontextualized data can even be used to enact a pathos effect. Food Inc.
iDoc The rest of the class is yours to work on your iDoc. Don’t forget what we talked about at the start! Tomorrow you need the following ready to hand in: 1) A copy of your iDoc (on a USB stick, so I can put it on my computer, on a DVD, or uploaded to youtube). 2) A one page treatment of your documentary. Also be prepared to answer the questions from the assignment sheet!