YLAD Living Soils was Born Heal the Soil and Help Others
A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illnesses. Hippocrates, Regimen in Health Greek physician (460 BC BC) Hippocrates Illness Led to Miracle Cure
5 Skewed View Balanced View vs. Nutritious Food more then NPK Ca P C
Minerally Dense Food When humus coats the roots, the microbes work symbiotically with the plant’s roots to deliver the nutrients the plant needs, when the nutrients are needed. The roots send chemical signals to the microbes so they know which nutrients to deliver and when. Because only the quantity of nutrients needed is delivered, the amino acid building blocks of plant growth are balanced and healthy.
The amount of each nutrient absorbed depends on its concentration in the root zone and the nutrient’s “absorption index” or the relative ability of one nutrient to be absorbed over another nutrient. The relative “absorption indices” for common nutrients are: Nitrogen 2.7 Sulfur1.8 Potassium1.7 Magnesium1.3 Calcium1.2 Phosphorus1.0 Empty Food
Milgadara Young Local Bio-Fertiliser from Local Waste for Local Food Production
ECO Economics -v- Ecology The Good News is Solutions do exist The Bad News is that the most powerful people and organisations have little incentive to apply them. Short term benefits overwhelm the desire to solve our problems
Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos - the trees, the clouds, everything. Thich Nhat Hanh
I have no potential greater then what I believe myself capable of. What I believe about what I can do is strictly limited by what my subconscious mind will allow me to accept
The Next Generation
I am passionate, inspired and committed to the regeneration of our soils to become a living breathing system with the capacity to produce healthy nutritious food for society and sequester carbon My Future
Think about and Improve: The health of your Soils The health of Body The health of your Thoughts The health of our Planet LET’S MAKE THE PLANET A HEALTHIER PLACE TO LIVE YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
15 Contact Me Rhonda Daly or visit