APCERT Dr. Suguru Yamaguchi JPCERT/CC
What’s APCERT? “Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team” –Regional forum of CSIRT in Asia Pacific –Established in February 2003 –Other regional forums in North America, Latin America and Europe are also established. Global forum: FIRST ( Help each together, discuss issues shared in the region
Structure (1) Chair: AusCERT (2 yr.) Secretariat: JPCERT/CC with support of CERT/CC-KR Members: 15 full members from 13 countries –Full member: CSIRT or equivalents –General member: liaison, observers, ….
Structure (2) APSIRC: Asia Pacific Security Incident Response Coordination conference –APCERT member annual conference –APSIRC will be funded and supported by JPCERT/CC for establishing funding structure for our activities. WG –Accreditation WG, finance WG, whois DB WG, …
What we did so far? Mechanism to share information among members –Secure information repository Accreditation Process definition –“Mutual trust” is key idea for CSIRT to work together. –Sharing vulnerability information not in the public can be big risk for the Internet itself. –Definition of requirements on CSIRT Other CSIRT forums also have their own accreditation process. Dialogue with other stakeholders –APEC, ASEAN, ….
What we should do more Awareness program Acceleration for establishment of CSIRT in each country in AP region. –We need contact point.