Service User Feedback: Developing and Implementing a Service User App: Reflections from Northern Ireland and Scotland Presentation by Joanne Westwood,


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Presentation transcript:

Service User Feedback: Developing and Implementing a Service User App: Reflections from Northern Ireland and Scotland Presentation by Joanne Westwood, University of Stirling; Anne Campbell & Katharine Dill, Queen’s University Belfast & Alaine Shaw Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council

Session outline Apps for social work How this project emerged Overview of the project Next steps

Apps for Social Work What are Apps for social work? – Learning and development tools – Easily accessible using smart technology – Information and knowledge sharing – Interactive – Ethical and values issues

Apps for social workers

The collaborators Anne Campbell : Queens University Belfast Katharine Dill: Queens University Belfast Alaine Shaw: Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council Joanne Westwood: University of Stirling The Learning Pool

The social work service user App Design and pilot an App which will gather service user feedback on their experience of social work intervention: Accessible and easy to use Gathers data at the point of the intervention Data stored centrally: organisation based Data used to improve and develop service Data can be used as evidence of service user contribution to improving services Confidentiality and anonymity

Where did this project begin? Research in Practice : link Officer Annual Meeting October 2014 Exploring challenges and opportunities for using social media in practice Innovation and new ideas for how to implement digital and social media

Katharine Dill

The original blueprint

The Five W’s of our App Pilot Who is in our sample? What are we trying to achieve? When do we hope to start the pilot and then scale up? Where are piloting? Why is this use of technology important?

Lessons Learned: Moving from Ideas to Implementation Collaboration: a process not an event! Technology sometimes fails Getting to yes……. Translating yes into ££££ University & practitioner commitment to innovation Shifting timescales

Katharine Dill :challenges and opportunities

Resources Dill, K. & Shera, W (in press). Empowerment through Knowledge: Evidence-informed Guidelines for Implementing Knowledge Mobilization in Human Service Organizations. Fang, L., Mishna, F., Zhang V.F. Van Wert, M., and Bogo.M. (2014) Social Media and Social Work Education: Understanding and Dealing with the New Digital World. Social Work in Health Care, 53:9, , DOI: / Mishna, F., Bogo, M., Root, J., Sawyer, J. L., & Khoury-Kassabri, M. (2012). 'It just crept in: The digital age and implications for social work practice. Clinical Social Work Journal, 40, Singh Cooner, T, (2013) Social Work Social Media App The Learning Pool (2013) Child development App (0-6 years) The Learning Pool (2015) Drug and alcohol App northern/id ?mt=8 Westwood, J. (Ed.). (2014). Social media in social work education. Northwich, U.K.: Critical Publishing.