Eng AXUG April 01, 20151
Eng Företagspresentation April 01, 20152
Eng April 01, Swedish Match develops, manufactures, and sells quality products with market leading brands in the product areas Snus and moist snuff, Other tobacco products (cigars and chewing tobacco), and Lights (matches and lighters).
Eng April 01, We create shareholder value by offering tobacco consumers enjoyable products of superior quality in a responsible way. By providing products that are recognized as safer alternatives to cigarettes, we can contribute significantly to improved public health. PASSIONOWNERSHIPINNOVATIONQUALITY
Eng April 01, Swedish Match is active in… Belgium Treasury and PA offices ~5 employees Netherlands Production unit ~100 employees Norway Sales offices ~50 employees Sweden Head office Production units Sales offices ~1000 employees Turkey Sales offices ~20 employees Philippines Production unit Sales offices ~300 employees USA Production units Sales offices ~1 100 employees Dominican Republic Production unit ~900 employees Brazil Production units Sales offices ~700 employees Total ~4 382 employees 12 factories worldwide Manufacturing in 6 countries Sales offices in 6 countries Global sale of lights Global reach for snus through SMPM International Total ~4 382 employees 12 factories worldwide Manufacturing in 6 countries Sales offices in 6 countries Global sale of lights Global reach for snus through SMPM International
Eng April 01, Manufacturing Process Gothenburg and Kungälv Process Gothenburg Process Kungälv Cold storage Cold storage Silo Tobacco Same process in both plants from silo Packaging Tobacco flour from Gothenburg Mill Process department Process department Manufacturing process Gothenburg and Kungälv
Eng Implementation April 01, 20157
Eng April 01, MAPICS Några övriga system alternativ inget system tidigare Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Begränsad erfarenhet av ERP-system Beställarkompetens - Förlitade oss på vissa avdelningar medan andra saknade systemerfarenhet Konsulter Integrationer Inte en lösning samtidigt Ständig utveckling R1 AX Proj start R1 ProjDriftstart/ förvaltning Code freeze R2 LEAF proj LEAF impl. + MRP upgrade Kapacitets- planering
Eng Huvudplanering April 01, 20159
Eng April 01, PROGNOS PER SKU OCH MÅNAD Innevarande + 1 år, därefter 3 helår ej nedbrutna per månad Excel IMPORT TILL AX VIA FORMULÄR (Utvecklat för oss) Formulär – Imported sales forecast Statisk och dynamisk plan Explosion/nedbrytning 180 dagar Går varje dag Plan för tobak Explosion 1460 dagar Går ca 1 gång/månad Kalendrar 1 per fabrik 1 per linje Ej detaljerat Takt på linje/format Parametrar/SKU Huvudplan SKU-nivå Huvudplan Tobak
Eng April 01, Huvudplan SKU-nivå Planned production order SKU Planerade inköp Ingående material Planned production order snusblandning Planned production order flavor Planned production order mjöl Planerade inköp tobak Fast planerade order SKU Rapport SBL Produktion snusblandning Produktion flavor Rapport SKU