Summer Management Presented By David Beckinghausen Beck’sBees
Summer Management Hive Evaluation Hive Placement Health Hive Management Disease Pests Colony Expansion Splits Swarms Cut-outs Re-Queening Rewards
Hive Placement
Summer Management Hive Evaluation Where to locate my hive(s)? Open Meadow Things to consider: Accessibility (Distance, Terrain) Pests (Bears, Skunks, People)
Summer Management Hive Evaluation Where to locate my hive(s)? Farm / Orchard Things to consider: Pesticides / Herbicides Sustainable vegetation Accessibility (Distance, Terrain) Pests (Bears, Skunks, People)
Summer Management Hive Evaluation Where to locate my hive(s)? Backyard Things to consider: Home Lawn-care Pesticides Local Town Ordinances Neighbor Acceptance
Summer Management Hive Evaluation Where not to locate my hive(s)? Flood Prone Areas
Summer Management Hive Evaluation Where not to locate my hive(s)? Noisy Areas
Summer Management Hive Evaluation Where to locate my hive(s)? Summary High and Dry Provide some Shade and Wind Protection Convenience
Summer Management Hive Evaluation Health / Strength of my hive(s)? Colony Numbers Things to look for: Strong hive activity Workers/Drones Too many / too few
Summer Management Hive Evaluation Health / Strength of my hive(s)? Brood Things to look for: Strong egg and larva numbers Good brood pattern Healthy brood
Summer Management Hive Evaluation Health / Strength of my hive(s)? Brood Larva Eggs
Summer Management Hive Evaluation Health / Strength of my hive(s)? Queen Things to look for: Looks Healthy Fresh Eggs Signs of Supersedure
Summer Management Hive Evaluation Health / Strength of my hive(s)? Supersedure Things to do: Leave the hive to naturally swarm Split hive Remove Queen Cells and add space to hive
Summer Management Hive Management Disease American Foulbrood Disease What it is: Bacterial infection of the Brood
Summer Management Hive Management Disease American Foulbrood Disease What to look for: Sunken brood caps Foul odor in brood area Dead / rotted brood
Summer Management Hive Management Disease American Foulbrood Disease What to look for: Gooey mass Stringy Bad Smell
Summer Management Hive Management Disease American Foulbrood Disease How it is spread: Inter-hive exposure Long life as a spore Infected Bee Equipment Robbing
Summer Management Hive Management Disease American Foulbrood Disease Treatment: Fire - Burn hive
Summer Management Hive Management Other Brood Diseases European Foulbrood What it is: Bacterial infection of the Brood Typically infects younger larva
Summer Management Hive Management Other Brood Diseases Chalkbrood What it is: Fungal Disease Disease of Stress White mummies
Brood diseases in Ohio 2005 Apiary Statistics From ODA Colonies Inspected 21,389 American Foulbrood 388 Colonies: European Foulbrood 31 Colonies: Chalk brood 396 Colonies
Insect Pests
Summer Management Hive Management Insect Pests Varroa Mite What it is: Parasite
Summer Management Hive Management Insect Pests Varroa Mite Treatment: Resilient breed stock Chemical treatment
Summer Management Hive Management Other Insect Pests Tracheal Mite What it is: Microscopic sized Parasite
Summer Management Hive Management Other Insect Pests Small Hive Beatle
Summer Management Hive Management Other Insect Pests Wax Moths
Summer Management Hive Management Other Insect Pests Ants
Summer Management Hive Management Other Insect Pests Wasps
Summer Management Hive Management Other Pests Mice Bear Skunk Snakes Raccoons
Adding Colonies
Summer Management Colony Expansion Making Splits Why? Control Swarming Increase Colony Numbers Control Stock To sell
Summer Management Colony Expansion Making Splits How? Select only healthy and larger populated hive(s) Split with healthy brood/ eggs/ and worker/ foresting bees Separate several miles from mother colony
Summer Management Colony Expansion Capturing Swarms Why? Quick Increase Colony Numbers Add New Stock To Sell
Summer Management Colony Expansion Cut-outs Why? Save a Colony from “Pest Control” Increase Colony Numbers Add New Stock Fun and Experience
Summer Management Colony Expansion Re-Queening Why? Queen-less hive Hot Hive Weak Queen/ Poor egg producer
Summer Management Colony Expansion Re-Queening How? Purchase new from Queen Breeder Raise your own Introduce mature Queen Cell
Summer Management Rewards Satisfying and Educational Hobby
Summer Management Rewards Financial
Summer Management Rewards HONEY
Thank you!