Personal Leadership Personal Leadership Serving Customers Serving Customers Managing Resources Managing Resources Leadership Serving Customers Serving Customers Managing Resources Managing Resources Working for Warwickshire – Staff Competency Framework Role Specific – Being Commercial Delivering Services Delivering Services Delivering Services Delivering Services Developing People Developing People Developing Self Developing Self Role Specific Role Specific Role Specific – Being Commercial Managers All Staff Managers All Staff WARWICKSHIRE VALUES Working Together Listening to People Openness and Honesty Aiming for Excellence Caring and Supporting Fairness
Staff CompetenciesBehavioural IndicatorsKnowledge and Skills Suggested Learning and Development ROLE SPECIFIC – BEING COMMERCIAL Putting customer needs at the centre of WCC’s development and understanding the market in which we work. Improving financial outcomes and being fully committed to the overall development of the organisation. Taking personal responsibility for performance and striving for excellence in everything we do Self Assessment Use in context of requirement of role Rarely demonstrated Sometimes demonstrated Often demonstrated Consistently demonstrated Customer Takes personal responsibility for customer enquiries, requests and complaints Puts customer needs first, can articulate what they are and describe their role in giving excellent customer service Demonstrates how their role supports WCC and customers to be successful, suggesting ways to improve this. Builds effective internal relationships to help improve external customer service Recognises their role in delivering the basic contractual requirements of customers and suppliers Market Offers suggestions to managers on how their service can improve, based on customer feedback and the activity of alternative service providers Understands the market they are in, what services are offered by alternative service providers and how their own service is different Contract management Commissioning Customer Relationship Management Negotiation Influencing Sales Marketing Pricing Business development Analysing and managing risk Problem solving Advice and Guidance Intranet Policies/Procedures WCC Values Development Opportunities WILMa Corporate Training Brochure Corporate Training Calendar Mindtools Menu
Staff CompetenciesBehavioural IndicatorsKnowledge and Skills Suggested Learning and Development ROLE SPECIFIC – BEING COMMERCIAL Putting customer needs at the centre of WCC’s development and understanding the market in which we work. Improving financial outcomes and being fully committed to the overall development of the organisation. Taking personal responsibility for performance and striving for excellence in everything we do Finance Demonstrates knowledge of the service’s budget and financial targets and carries out decisions in-line with these Looks for ways to implement the financial decisions made by WCC positively When working with suppliers, focuses on delivering what is required by both parties to be successful Has awareness of the cost implications of their work and seeks ways to reduce this Value Delivery Checks what is required of them in requests and confirms how long it will take to complete Monitors what is happening against plans, keeping time involvement down and costs low Suggests changes in teams processes to improve productivity and performance measures Contributes to team discussions with positive suggestions and encouragement Is entrepreneurial, suggesting new ways their service could help customers Contract management Commissioning Customer Relationship Management Negotiation Influencing Sales Marketing Pricing Business development Analysing and managing risk Problem solving Advice and Guidance Intranet Policies/ProceduresIntranet Policies/Procedures WCC Values Development Opportunities WILMa Corporate Training BrochureCorporate Training Brochure Corporate Training CalendarCorporate Training Calendar Mindtools Menu
Staff CompetenciesBehavioural IndicatorsKnowledge and SkillsSuggested Learning and Development ROLE SPECIFIC – BEING COMMERCIAL Putting customer needs at the centre of WCC’s development and understanding the market in which we work. Improving financial outcomes and being fully committed to the overall development of the organisation. Taking personal responsibility for performance and striving for excellence in everything we do Accountability When working with customers makes decisions that impact positively on the reputation of their service and WCC Demonstrates commitment to the success of their service, customers and WCC as a whole Is open to constructive feedback managing emotional responses Understands contract measures, team and WCC-wide commercial KPIs and is aware of their impact on them Takes decisions that impact positively on team traded performance, and demonstrates a shared responsibility for success Contract management Commissioning Customer Relationship Management Negotiation Influencing Sales Marketing Pricing Business development Analysing and managing risk Problem solving Advice and Guidance Intranet Policies/Procedures WCC Values Development Opportunities WILMa Corporate Training Brochure Corporate Training Calendar Mindtools Menu