Copy the following notes: Procedure: A specific way of doing something or step-by-step instructions Troubleshooting: the process of identifying and eliminating problems AGENDA Laptop Guidelines & Procedures
Laptop Guidelines TAKE CARE OF THE EQUIPMENT! Carry with two hands Use keys gently Open and close the lid carefully NO food or drink around equipment, EVER! Other classroom equipment Headphones Mice Printer Desks
Laptop Guidelines Only use your assigned # laptop Sign on with only YOUR account Report any damage as soon as you get your laptop if it wasn’t there the last time you used it. (You will be held responsible for any damage to your computer during use.) If you have technical problems, do your best to figure out what YOU can do to fix it by using the troubleshooting steps.
Procedure for getting your laptop Come into class quietly and check the agenda to see if you need a laptop. You MUST sign out your laptop using the sign out sheet located at the long table. There can be only 3 people at the cart at any time. Do NOT STAND BY the CART WAITING, Wait at your desk until it is your turn.
Logging On Procedure Move the slider on the front of the computer to the right to unlock the lid. Open the lid carefully Wait for the log in screen Type in your username and password
Troubleshooting Procedures If you hear a beep when you log on: hit “cancel” and try again. If you log on and it says: “TPS not available” : Make sure that the “log on to” box shows “TPS” and not “this computer” Check that the wireless switch is ON
Make sure the Wi Fi button is in the “ON” position
Check your indicators Battery Level WiFi Connection Hard Drive Activity
Troubleshooting Procedures If the laptop is off, turn it on! If the computer turns off just turn it back on and log in. If there is a blank blue screen, hold the power button down until the computer shuts down and restart. If the log on screen lags after the Ctrl-Alt-Delete WAIT for it to catch up. (Crtl-Alt-Delete twice in a row shuts the computer down.)
Remember the troubleshooting tips! Become a Problem-Solver! You CAN solve most of the problems you may encounter with our classroom laptops. In this class it is required that you learn how to “troubleshoot” some of the technical problems. After you have tried all of the suggested solutions, let me know what you have done to try and correct it. I will then put a service call in for a technician.
When you are finished with the laptop, LOG OFF WAIT for the logon screen to appear Close the laptop lid Plug the laptop back into the correct # slot and the corresponding plug. Clean up any hanging wires. Procedure for returning the laptops to cart
put the laptop back in the cart because you think it is not working! If there is a real tech problem I must know about it so it can be fixed. PLEASE DO NOT:
Let’s Practice! 1. I will assign you a specific laptop number. 2. Write it down in your planner so you don’t forget. 3. When I call on you, you may go to the cart and locate your computer. 4. Unplug it carefully and return to your seat. 5. Sign on and put your screen down ½ way. 6. Wait quietly while everyone logs on