Working Together - Achieving Excellence Social Care and Health Scrutiny Committee 2 December 2003
Strategic Planning - getting it right Comprehensive Performance Assessment Risk Management Best Value Performance Plan Corporate & Financial Intelligence Corporate Property Strategy Capital Strategy & Asset Mgt Plan Performing Together Medium Term Financial Plan Workforce Development Plan Public Service Agreement Consultation Citizens Panel Trade Unions, Business & Voluntary Sector Scrutiny Committees LSP Community Strategy Directorate Plans
Strategic Planning – this year June 03 March 04 Financial Planning Corporate Planning Directorate Planning Agree strategic planning approach Determine Key Strategic Objectives/Non-Priorities Determine key actions and resource requirements Consult stakeholders Publication Agree key actions and resources available
Vision Statement “a better future for South Tyneside’s people” Our young people will have new hope because they will have a bright future. People of all ages will have high aspirations, great confidence and the skills and opportunities they need to succeed. People will be healthy, able to find work and will enjoy living here. Our reputation for excellence in service to communities will be widely recognised and South Tyneside will be part of a thriving and prosperous region.
Our priorities Learning Culture & Creativity Enterprise & Jobs Healthy Living & Care Stronger Communities Housing & Environment Safer Communities Modernisation Transformation
Healthy Living and Care - Community Strategy Aims H1 improving life chances for children H2 protecting vulnerable children H3 creating the right conditions for better health H4 reducing cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes and mental illness H5 improving access to social care and health services H6 meeting the needs of vulnerable groups
Key actions Improving services for people with physical disabilities Improving the learning disability service Increasing the number of foster carers Helping people to live independently at home Preventing people from becoming homeless Providing more housing support for vulnerable people Improving services for looked after children Increasing fees to the independent sector Developing social work capacity Improving young people’s health
Questions and queries