PARTNERSHIPS: LEPs & Colleges Growing Local Economies Together Henry Lawes
WE DRIVE GROWTH THROUGH SKILLS WE ARE A PRIVATE/PUBLIC PARTNERSHIP GROWING THE ECONOMY OF THE BRISTOL & BATH CITY REGION. Partnerships: LEPs and Colleges Growing Local Economies Together Henry Lawes Education Partnership Manager – West of England LEP
WE HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE What is Economic Growth? ‘The increase in the production of goods and services per head of the population over a stated period of time’ Oxford English Dictionary
WE HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE What does Economic Growth need? Businesses/Employers - Produce goods/offer services Workforce - To enable the business to operate Clients – To buy the goods and services Infrastructure/housing - to move materials, goods/services and enable workforce access
WE HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE Introduction and the West of England Workforce - To enable the business to operate Clients – To buy the goods and services Infrastructure/housing - to move materials, goods/services and enable workforce access
WE HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE The West of England - Now Population Size – 1.1m people with 585,200 economically active people (81.1% of population) There are 132,100 economically inactive people of whom 104, 200 do not want a job Qualification Levels – Above the national average for higher level qualifications Job density of 0.87 Priority economic growth sectors: Advanced Engineering, Creative & Digital, High Tech, Low Carbon Wider Sectors: Construction & Development, Distribution, Health & Social Care, Retail, Rural Economy, Social Enterprise, Visitor Economy
WE HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE The West of England – Looking Forwards Net job growth is expected to be concentrated in higher level roles – 41,0000 additional high level jobs between , with more than half of those in professional roles Replacement job demand is forecast to be significantly higher that net job growth resulting in 258,000 roles being offered between The proportion of jobs held by people qualified at a higher level (level 4 and above) is projected to increase from 40% to 50% between Multiple skills demands across a variety of sectors e.g. construction and development to enable delivery of large scale infrastructure and house building projects
WE HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE FE Colleges and Local Enterprise Partnerships Further Education Colleges Work with individuals and businesses and know their local populations/areas Deliver academic and vocational provision including apprenticeships Offer solutions to local business needs CEIAG Can work with schools and other training providers Local Enterprise Partnerships Local business led partnerships between local authorities and businesses Play a central role in determining local economic priorities A key voice for business in local areas Undertake activities to drive economic growth and the creation of local jobs
WE HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE FE Colleges Need Up-to-date Labour Market Intelligence An understanding of skills needs/gaps employers in the area are facing Support in employer engagement and input Endorsement for projects and financial support Local Enterprise Partnerships Need A suitably skilled and motivated current and future workforce A curriculum that is responsive to local employer/business needs Different pathways to skills for learners Inspired and motivated young people and adults who are able to make informed career choices What We Need From Each Other
WE HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE The West of England Relationship developed over a number of years and pre-dates the formation of LEPs Cemented by a Joint Venture Agreement Contact and work at senior management through to faculty/support unit level Meet directly with Vice-Principals every six weeks
WE HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE The West of England Examples of work between FE Colleges and WE LEP: Apprenticeships CEIAG Curriculum development and employer voice Joint working between providers Labour Market Intelligence Service and Infrastructure Development
Making The Relationship Work Mutual understanding and trust Both parties should be aware of each others priorities and interest in this area of work Understand what each other’s area of expertise is and what you both bring to the table Establish mutual expectations
WE HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE Challenges Recognise that not all priorities are mutually shared, both partners experience different pressures A lack of clarity about each others views External initiatives and pressures e.g. Area Based Reviews
WE HAVE A BRIGHT FUTURE Thank You and Questions