Definitions Of a long-term international migrant: “Someone who changes his or her country of usual residence for a period of at least a year…”(UNHCR) Of an economic migrant: “Someone who makes a voluntary choice to leave their home country and seek work elsewhere” (Wrexham CBC “One Wrexham”)
Migration Migration (both Economic and general) is a key part of population change It is difficult to measure There is no direct source or register Estimated using surveys and other sources
General Trends Using National Insurance registrations of non-UK nationals as the measure Preston: Is presently the 144 th highest district for registrations in the UK Has the highest level of migrancy in Lancashire (1710 out of a total Lancashire area figure of 7,550) However, this is a significant decrease from 07/08 figure of 2, 050 Registrations 08/09 as a % of total working population has decreased to 2% from an average of 8.5% between 04/08
Some statistics From National insurance registrations in Preston in 2008/09. 07/08 figures in brackets. Majority of registrations were by Polish people at 560 (850) Hungarians at 90 (60) and Slovakians at 30 (static) The links with the existing south Asian population can be seen in that the second greatest number of registrations came from India at 360 (350). Pakistan is fifth highest at 80 (70). The presumed impact of the university can be seen in the number of registrations from China at 210 (260).
Some reasons for the decrease Current slow down probably due to 2 main factors: natural reduction after initial surge (post 2004) and accelerated downturn fall in value of sterling against many currencies Preston (17%), Lancashire area (22%) slightly lower than national average of approximately 25% Lower levels in Preston and Lancashire possibly influenced by differential effect of downturn (medium to high in NW region according to LGA research) Type of employment (social care, hospitality and agriculture) possibly less in one other key area of construction
General impact of economic migration Myths and stereotypes: Claims that immigrants are given priority access to social housing have been dismissed as a myth by the EHRC Claims that migrants take jobs away from local people not supported by research (mainly, in low-skilled work, they fill jobs that local people do not want to do) They just come here to claim benefits (all migrants [inc EU25] subject to residency tests and entitlements vary considerably) However……….
General impact of economic migration (2) Immigration does put additional pressure on health and education services (costs, language issues) Whether migrants contribute more to the state than they receive in benefits and state services, is disputed as being impossible to measure There are many “cultural” challenges (attitudes and behaviour) Assimilation and cohesion issues
Migration in the twenty-first century. It is now an essential, inevitable and potentially beneficial component of the economic and social life of every country and region. The question is no longer whether to have migration, but rather how to manage it effectively (New Coalition government only likely to limit non-EU migration) Migration management about understanding all the effects of migration and having clear and workable solutions to tackle these