Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Korea Meteorological Administration, May 2015 Satellite Data Application in KMA’s NWP Systems Presented.


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Presentation transcript:

Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Korea Meteorological Administration, May 2015 Satellite Data Application in KMA’s NWP Systems Presented to CGMS-43 Working Group II/4

Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Korea Meteorological Administration, May 2015 Contents 2 Current status of KMA’s NWP system - Observation data used in NWP system Plans of satellite data application in KMA’s data assimilation system - Use of Metop-B/ASCAT soil moisture in surface data assimilation Contents

Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Korea Meteorological Administration, May Current status of KMA’s NWP system Item Global Model Regional Model Local Model Model resolution25km12km1.5km Vertical levels70 Model top80km 39km Analysis methodHybrid4DVAR3DVAR DomainGlobal areaEast Asia Near Korean peninsular Forecast hours288 hours87 hours36 hours Main features of KMA NWP system - KMA’s global data assimilation system is based on the hybrid system, which combines 4DVAR and ensemble forecast system. - Also, KMA is operating 4DVAR-based 12km regional model and 3DVAR- based 1.5km local model. ※ The current KMA NWP system was introduced from UK Metoffice’s unified model in 2010.

Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Korea Meteorological Administration, May 2015 Observation data used in KMA NWP system - The observation data used in KMA global and regional model are shown in Table 1. Most species of satellite data are being used except G-GPS, CrIS, ATMS, AOD. - For local model, KMA is not using enough satellite data yet as shown in Table 2 4 Species (1) Surface SYNOP, SHIP, BUOY, METAR (2) Sonde TEMP, PILOT, Wind profiler (3) Aircraft AMDAR, AIREP (4) Scatwind ASCAT(MetOp A/B) (5) ATOVSAMSU-A/B, HIRS (N-15/18/19, MetOp A/B) (6) AIRS AQUA (7) Satwind GEO (COMS, MTSAT, GOES 13/15, Meteosat7, MSG) LEO* (AVHRR(NOAA, MetOp A/B), MODIS (AQUA, TERRA)) (8) IASI MetOp A/B (9) GPSRO GRAS(Metop A/B), COSMIC-1/2/5/6 (10) CSR (Clear Sky Radiance) COMS* Table 1. Observation species used in the global and regional model. * indicates observation species used only in the global model. Species (1) Surface SYNOP, SHIP, BUOY, METAR, AWS (2) Sonde TEMP, PILOT, Wind profiler (3) Aircraft AMDAR, AIREP (4) Scatwind ASCAT(MetOp A/B) (5) Radar Radial Velocity Table 2. Observation species used in the 1.5km local model

Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Korea Meteorological Administration, May 2015 Slide: 5 To improve KMA’s NWP model - Global 4DEnVAR model is being developed as a part of KMA-UKMO collaboration project for operational launch in Regional model will be replaced by global 4DEnVAR model with resolution of 12km in The domain of current local model will be extended by 2018 to reduce the instability near boundary area. - However, local 4DVAR model and local ensemble data assimilation will be developed in Plans for KMA NWP model and data assimilation system 4DEnVar : 4 Dimensional Ensemble Variational method

Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Korea Meteorological Administration, May 2015 Slide: 6 2. Plans for KMA NWP model and data assimilation system YearPlans 2015 Ground-based GNSS(G,L), KOMPSAT-5 RO(G), Metop-B/ASCAT soil moisture(G), IASI direct readout(G), Improved CSR, 70km resolution COMS AMV(G,L), pixel-based COMS CSR(L), 2016 COMS snow(G), CrIS(G), ATMS(G), MSG/GOES CSR(G), GNSS-RO(L), COMS GeoCloud(L), NPP(CrIS,ATMS) (L) 2017 Himawari-8 CSR and AMV(G), Soil Moisture(ASCAT,AMSR-2,SMOS)(G) ADM-Aeolus (G), FY-3(MWTS,MWHS,HIRAS) (G), COMS SST(L) To improve satellite data assimilation - Various new satellite observations will be introduced to enhance the model performance - At the end of 2015, Ground-based GNSS data over Korea peninsula will be assimilated into local area model and KOMPSAT-5 RO(Radio Occultation) data into the global and local area model. - Metop-B/ASCAT soil moisture data will be assimilated operationally for the global model from 2015.(Appendix A) - The impact of IASI direct readout provided by KMA/NMSC will be evaluated for the global model, and in operation from For IASI, new list of channel selection will be tested in the global system. - Improved CSR (covering low level cloud in WV image) and 70 km resolution AMV) data of COMS will be used in operation at the end of L: for Local model(1.5km), G: for Global model, R: for Regional model

Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Korea Meteorological Administration, May 2015 Use of Metop-B/ASCAT soil moisture in surface data assimilation - Forecast errors were generally decreased with the introduction of Metop-B/ASCAT soil moisture. - In particular, the performance over the East Asia in fall season was greatly improved. - Verification score for the 1000 hPa height was also significantly improved for all area. - Metop-B/ASCAT soil moisture data will be assimilated operationally for the global model from The improvement rate of geo-potential height at 1000hPa and 500hPa, temperature at 850hPa and wind at 250hPa (verification against observations). Each color bar indicates different area, and positive values represent improvement. Summer Autumn