Simulations on the Event-by-event Fluctuations of the Particle Yield Ratios D. Kresan, V. Friese GSI, Darmstadt, Germany Correlations and Fluctuations in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions Arcetri, Florence July
July D. Kresan Correlations and Fluctuations Workshop, Florence2 Outline Motivation Definition of dynamical fluctuations NA49 results vs. UrQMD – previous studies and consistency UrQMD studies –single particle ratios (K + over pi + / and vice versa) –acceptance effects –resonance decay influence –hadronic cascades Toy model simulations (K* and decay)
July D. Kresan Correlations and Fluctuations Workshop, Florence3 Motivation E-b-e fluctuations of the particle yield ratio are proposed as the signature for the critical endpoint But influence of acceptance, resonance decays and hadronic cascades on e-b-e fluctuations remains to be studied Model to start from – UrQMD. Has both resonances and re-scattering
July D. Kresan Correlations and Fluctuations Workshop, Florence4 Dynamical Fluctuations Measure the particle yields ratio in an event : K/ Relative width of distribution : = RMS / MEAN data 2 = fin 2 + exp 2 + dyn 2 background Event mixing: no two tracks coming from one real event mixed dyn 2 = data 2 mixed 2
July D. Kresan Correlations and Fluctuations Workshop, Florence5 NA 49 Measurements vs. UrQMD QM 2004
July D. Kresan Correlations and Fluctuations Workshop, Florence6 Acceptance Effects – forward rapidity 44 y > y cm
July D. Kresan Correlations and Fluctuations Workshop, Florence7 Acceptance Effects – momentum cut (PID) 44 y > y cm p lab >3GeV/c Possible reasons for differences: 1.Different UrQMD versions ? 2.Different acceptance conditions (acceptance filter vs. simplified cuts)
July D. Kresan Correlations and Fluctuations Workshop, Florence8 UrQMD Results central Au+Au at 25 AGeV 44 real
July D. Kresan Correlations and Fluctuations Workshop, Florence9 Acceptance Effects dyn (%)44 y > y cm y>y cm && p lab >3 GeV/c K/ 2.6 0.6 p/ 0.1 K+/+K+/ 0.5 K+/K+/ -7.9 0.3 K/+K/ 0.7 K/K/ -7.5 1.2 central Au+Au at 25 AGeV by UrQMD Acceptance effect is present but not dramatic
July D. Kresan Correlations and Fluctuations Workshop, Florence10 Sources of Kaons in UrQMD 1.3 Results of collision history analysis central Au+Au at 25 AGeV by UrQMD Majority of kaons come from the K* decay
July D. Kresan Correlations and Fluctuations Workshop, Florence11 K* Decay Suppressed central Au+Au at 25 AGeV by UrQMD real
July D. Kresan Correlations and Fluctuations Workshop, Florence12 Summary Table σ dyn Nominalno K* decay no decay t = 5 fm/ct = 2 fm/c K/ 2.6 0.1 p/ 0.1 K+/+K+/ 0.6 K+/K+/ -8.0 0.3 K/+K/ 0.6 K/K/ -7.0 0.9 σ dyn K* contribution contribution t = 5 fm/ct = 2 fm/c K/ -6.2 0.1 p/ 0.9 0.07 K+/+K+/ 0.6 K+/K+/ -4.9 0.21 2 K/+K/ 1.4 K/K/ -2.3 0.85 1
July D. Kresan Correlations and Fluctuations Workshop, Florence13 Resonances in Toy Model – K* K*(892) 0 K Toy Model features: 1.Independent particle production with yields and kinematics from UrQMD 2.Fluctuations of Kaon number of various amplitude 3.Resonance decays 4.Chains of resonance decays = 41 = 363 Independently produced:
July D. Kresan Correlations and Fluctuations Workshop, Florence14 Resonances in Toy Model – K+KK+K K0LK0SK0LK0S 00 0000 ++ = 41 = 363 Independently produced: analytical formula
July D. Kresan Correlations and Fluctuations Workshop, Florence15 Conclusion Our results of UrQMD simulations are consistent with ones obtained by C.Roland Acceptance has effect on resulting fluctuations K* decay is not the only source of correlations Positive fluctuations of the (K + +K )/( + + ) ratio in UrQMD are mainly due to decay Possibly charge conservation ??? Interpretation of this observable is feasible ONLY IF yields (and phase space distr.) of all resonances and daughter particles are known