Organisational Case Study LCFT Dental Services The Dental services teams within LCFT have undertaken a large programme of redesign. They contacted the WRaPT team to assist with the workforce element. The Services LCFT dental services are divided into 2 distinct areas, private dental services and community dental services. These services share some service delivery locations and some staff resources though they perform distinctly different activities. Defining the Data Workforce data was provided in the form of an ESR extract, and activity data was given by location and named staff member who effected the activity in a particular location. This presented a challenge in that staff did not neatly sit in a cost centre where their activity was recorded. In fact their activity was often across service types and in multiple locations. The Challenge To rationalise the staff and locations throughout both services whilst achieving activity targets and reducing costs. The project needs to fully understand how their current workforce is contributing to activity and where waste can be removed to make it more efficient and effective. However; dental teams have interdependencies, i.e. dentists and dental therapists cannot affect activity without a dental nurse. The proportional relationships between team members are of primary importance in the redesign.
Organisational Case Study Data Analysis Outcomes Thanks for all your help and support I am confident WRaPT will be useful for the service once issues are resolved and whilst we cant use at present at least it has focused attention on some of the complexities and issues of the service. Tony MacKay Clinical Business Manager Seeing the tool was most helpful and also enabled us to have an understanding of the tool and how it will work and possibly support us in the future. We are keen and willing to work with you in developing this. Ceri Mansell; Service Integration Manager. In order to align the data in the correct way, the wrapt team created entirely new cost centres that contained both the location of the activity and the type of activity done. i.e. whether it was community activity that was recorded in sessions, or private activity that was recorded in “Units of Dental Activity” (UDA’s). By looking at the amount of activity each person did, it was then possible to understand how much of their WTE was spend in the new “costs centres” and adjust the workforce data set accordingly. The resulting data sets provided the basis for driver creation by using the same proportional spilt of each staff members time between the locations and activity types in the same way that the cost centres had been created. This data was then uploaded into the tool and presented back to the dental management team. Despite high levels engagement and enthusiasm from the management team, analysis of the final model did not meet the needs of the team at this time due to the need to account for the complex interdependent relationships between the dental team operatives. The WRaPT tool applies a linear relationship to activity. It assumes that each team member independently performs an amount of the activity attributed to their team, this principle cannot be applied to dental services. This case study has prompted research into additional model development that will enable the tool to define dependencies between team members in completing particular activities.