Essential Question – In what ways did individuals / groups fight for civil rights in the 1960s? CHALLENGING SEGREGATION IN THE 1960S Lesson # 6
In groups (I will create 5 total), you will learn about one of the key events in the struggle for Civil Rights in the 1960s. Sit-Ins, 1960 James Meredith Integration of Ole Miss, 1961 Freedom Riders, 1961 March on Washington, 1963 Freedom Summer, 1964 Each group will have images, readings, and other primary and secondary sources. With those sources, you will need to fill out the organizer for your section. Each group member will then meet with another group member from each of the other 4 groups to share their findings, explain the events, and help the other people fill out the appropriate section of the organizer. DIRECTIONS
Readings: Readings: History Alive – page 582 “Sitting Firm to Challenge Segregated Facilities” ABC – CLIO American History – “Greensboro sit-ins” Website – “Greensboro Sit-ins – Launch of a Civil Rights Movement” Website Primary Sources Newspaper - Diane Nash’s Account - ml ml SIT-INS
JAMES MEREDITH’S INTEGRATION OF OLE MISS Readings History Alive – page 581 “James Meredith Enrolls at the University of Mississippi” ABC – CLIO American History – “James Meredith” Website – Integrating Ole Miss – A Civil Rights Milestone Website Primary Sources “No School in our state will be integrated…” “I Can’t Fight Alone -
Readings History Alive page 583 “Freedom Riders Face Violence” ABC – CLIO American History – “Freedom Rides” Website – PBS Freedom Rides: Threatened, Attacked, Jailed Website Primary Sources Letter from a Freedom Riders’ Father - tml tml FREEDOM RIDERS
Readings History Alive page 586 “Thousands March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom” and “King Inspires the Nation with his Dream” ABC – CLIO American History – “March on Washington” Website Background and Official Program Time Magazine on the March - Primary Sources “Patience is a dirty and nasty word…” John Lewis on the March – Dr. King’s “I have a Dream Speech” MARCH ON WASHINGTON
Readings History Alive page 588 “Registering African American Voters in a Freedom Summer” ABC – CLIO American History – “Freedom Summer” Background from PBS - l l Background from CORE - Primary Sources One Volunteer’s Freedom Summer Alabama Voter Reg. Form “Fighting for Freedom in the Mississippi Sun” FREEDOM SUMMER