Skills for Care North West Personalisation and Workforce Development.


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Presentation transcript:

Skills for Care North West Personalisation and Workforce Development

Vision for Social Care Key policy documents Putting People First – A Shared Vision and Commitment to the Transformation of Adult Social Care, 2007 Transforming Social Care LAC (DH) (2008)1 “in the way in which services are tailored to the needs and preferences of citizens. The overall vision is that the state should empower citizens to shape their own lives and the services they receive. … What this means is that everyone who receives services …will have choice and control over how that support is delivered.”

Value Base “Ensuring older people, people with chronic conditions, disabled people and people with mental health problems have the best possible quality of life and the equality of independent living is fundamental to a socially just society.” (Putting People First) “The model of care adopted to support the value base moves away from care determined by professionals to one where the individual identifies what is personally important to deliver his or her outcomes.” (Transforming Social Care LAC (DH) (2008)1)

Workforce Implications Fundamental culture shift required across the whole adult social care system – a different way of thinking required for all stakeholders and people using the services and their carers. Strong leadership and partnership working within local organisations in statutory agencies, third and private sector providers will be required to convey vision and values. Current and futures workforce need to change radically to deliver the vision for adult social care. Statutory Services – “the role of social workers will be focussed more on advocacy and brokerage rather than assessment and gate keeping.” Transforming Social Care LAC (DH) (2008)1

Workforce Implications New Types of Worker Conference Identifies The role of care managers The self-directed support model changes the way in which care management is undertaken. New ways of undertaking assessment and allocating resources are being developed. Brokerage There is a fundamental need for good information for all and support for some people to access services. A new role of brokerage is developing and being rolled out across the region

Workforce Implications The role of people as employers / managers of their own staff People historically referred to as service users become employers, to varying degrees, of staff and some need support to manage that function. This may, but need not be through brokerage services The increasing demand for and the role of PAs There may be an increase in demand for Personal assistant staff creating an issue of supply. There are already supply issues in this sector.

Workforce Implications The development of new providers It is anticipated that the new power to commission will create new entrants to the markets for individualised services. If this is not the case it may be that Local Authorities have a role in stimulating the emergence of new suppliers The adaptation of existing providers to providing services direct Some existing providers with contracts with Local Authorities have concerns about the emergence of self- directed support, others will happily adapt, but all will need to examine the employment arrangements needed to provide the level of individuality that may be required

Workforce Implications The qualification, regulation of care workers who are employed through individual payments Some people in Pilot sites have expressed a reluctance to employ qualified staff, think that they are less likely to be flexible. The registration and qualification agenda is a challenging in this arena. The management of risk If the future is of a fragmented workforce there were concerns expressed about risk from two different perspectives

Workforce Implications Risk to service users Whilst acknowledging that some traditional services have failed services users, concern was expressed that people employing their own staff may have fewer checks in place to ensure their well-being Risk to / rights of staff as employees Similarly concern was expressed that the hard won rights of staff in relation to their employment would be undermined by the fragmented and individualised models of employment

Workforce Implications The professional training of Social Workers It was noted that the changes to models in the delivery of care needed to be reflected in the training of professional social workers

Workforce Implications Commissioning the workforce Challenges for commissioners to develop processes that commission a workforce in line with vision. Developing new and different commissioning processes. Skills challenge for commissioners and contractors themselves to develop flexible contracts that deliver personalisation agenda. Implement National Occupational Standards for Commissioning.

What are we doing? Working with Learn to Care. Planning a joint event focussed on commissioning issues and workforce implications. Skills for Care working with partners to identify support for private and voluntary providers around workforce challenges they face. Mapping local authority approaches to personalisation.

What are we doing? National work to identify qualifications training and support for personal assistants. Sector Qualifications Strategy and Qualifications Credit Framework will deliver a much more flexible approach to qualifications.

Contact Details: Alix Crawford Regional Development Officer Skills for Care Offices 1-4 Farington House Lancashire Business Park Leyland PR26 6TW Mobile