Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility LBNF LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning Mike Headley LBNF Far Site Facilities Project Manager January 11, 2016
LBNF Topics Facilities scope, requirements, interfaces, integration Facilities design update Construction logistics planning and test blast studies Design changes Ross Shaft refurbishment update Final design plans Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning
LBNF Far Site Facilities Scope and Requirements Overall scope: Design, procurement, construction, and installation of conventional facility improvements, cryogenic systems, and cryostats to support the DUNE Far Site detectors Major scope elements: Scope ElementFunding Source Excavation of 4850L detector and utility caverns and driftsDOE Surface buildings, utility infrastructure, cavern outfittingDOE LN2 cryogenic systemsDOE Four 10kt fiducial cryostatsNon-DOE LAr cryogenic systemsNon-DOE LAr and LN2 cryogenic fluids procurementDOE and Non-DOE CD-3a Scope Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning
LBNF Requirements and Interfaces Requirements: Far Site facilities requirements are documented and trace to the LBNF/DUNE high level requirements. Facilities: Design life, cavern location, space and support for the Far Detector, and HVAC, power, water, communications needs Interfaces: Far Site Interface Matrix and the corresponding Interface Control Documents (ICDs) are in place (next slide) Interfaces define formal programmatic and technical relationships between major project elements for design, construction, and operations Far Site CF Requirements and Interface Review held Sept 2015 Requirements and ICDs under formal configuration management Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning4
LBNF Interface Matrix – Far Site Interfaces are in place and under configuration management Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning5
LBNF Design Integration Project using TeamCenter engineering toolset to integrate CAD models across the project to verify interfaces and design Each discipline utilizes industry-standard or lab-specific software to produce 3D models of their designs, for example Fermilab mechanical designs: NX Conventional Facilities: Revit Cryogenic Systems: AutoCAD Plant CERN Cryostat: Catia Project implementing processes and protocols to manage integration activities Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning6
LBNF Design Integration Example: Integrated CAD model
LBNF Design Maturity and Reviews Far Site conventional facilities design development led by an experienced A/E team, Arup USA. Facility designs are a complete 100% preliminary design. A Final Design Plan is in place. Independent reviews completed Design technical reviews performed by Hatch Mott MacDonald Independent cost and schedule estimates generated by Hatch Mott MacDonald. Side-by-side estimate reconciliations performed with Arup. Cryogenic Systems and Cryostat designs reviewed (DOE and CERN) Far Site Facilities Requirements and Interface Review completed Sanford Lab Logistics Assumptions & Project Assumptions in place LBNF designs independently reviewed. Independent cost and schedule estimate reconciliations performed. Assumptions are documented Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning8
LBNF ControlRoom 12kV PowerFeed and 12kV Power Feed and Transformer Upgrade CryogenicCompressorBuildingand Cryogenic Systems (LAr and LN2) RossHoistBldg Ross Headframe and Crusher Bldg Excavated Rock Handling System Ross Dry RossSubstation Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning9
LBNF Completion of the Ross Shaft rehabilitation from the 3200L to the 5000L Utilities in the Ross Shaft Electrical power Fiber optics for experiment data and control and fire alarm Pipes in Ross Shaft for gaseous nitrogen and argon transport Fire water pipe from 4100L sump to 4850L Design Scope – Shafts Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning10
LBNF Design Scope – 4850L Facilities Four 10kt detector chambers, central utility cavern, and connecting drifts Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning11
LBNF Design Scope – 4850L Facility Excavated material ~800,000 tons Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning 12
LBNF Construction Logistics Planning Parallel nature of construction and installation plans at Far Site over the next 15 years requires close coordination and planning Logistics workshop held Aug at Sanford Lab. Included Sanford Lab Operations, LBNF/DUNE, M AJORANA, LUX/LZ, CASPAR, BHSU UG Campus, and Arup A/E team. Developed an understanding of Sanford Lab infrastructure & resources Reviewed plans across all planned activities through 2030 Documented requirements for site infrastructure, resources, interfaces Developed recommendations to mitigate conflicts & documented risks. Comprehensive Logistics Plan completed that confirms the Ross Shaft will support LBNF/DUNE activities. Yates Shaft provides additional capacity when gas piping is installed in the Ross Shaft. CM/GC will lead logistics planning starting in final design Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning13
LBNF Planning Outputs: Personnel Underground & Ross Shaft Utilization Key Sanford Lab infrastructure will handle all planned activities At peak, 100 on days 85 on nights 76% utilization at peak including planned maintenance Yates provides margin 14 PERSONNEL HOURS PER DAY
LBNF Construction Logistics Planning: Test Blast Program Excavation design includes a model for vibration & blast air overpressure Based on industry experience and geotechnical site investigation Potential risks to other 4850L experiments discussed during Logistics Workshop Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning15 3 test blasts planned (8’x8’x8’) at intersection of Central Access Drift and the South Drift Test will confirm model, inform final design 18 instruments were deployed on 4850L Experiment data collected by LBCs, LUX, MJD Seismic data will be collected by DUGL, Transparent Earth, GEOXTM First test blast attempted on December 11 Electronic detonators did not perform as expected Gained valuable vibration and air pressure data Adjusting blast design and detonator selection Additional blasts planned for February drill hole / charge layout
LBNF Test Blast Location Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning16
LBNF Recent design change: Proximity cryogenics equipment located in detector chamber on a Mezzanine 25 m 10 m 2.3 m 7.7 m Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning17
LBNF Recent design change: cryostat side opening for detector install (Additional CF design changes listed in backup slide) Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning18
LBNF Ross Shaft Refurbishment Update 3,383 feet down from surface (66% completed) Ross Shaft refurbishment needed to support hoisting of the ~800,000 tons of excavated rock and transport of personnel and materials for LBNF construction Rehabilitation started in August SDSTA (state and private funds) provided first $20M. SDSTA purchased the structural steel for entire project. SDSTA self-performing refurbishment work New contract established in January 2016 between LBNL and SDSTA. Provides DOE funds to complete remainder of the refurbishment to the 5000 foot level. Project on track to be completed in Pause in refurbishment activities at the 4850L expected during the pre-excavation construction phase Surface Tramway 300 L 800 L 1250 L 1400 L 1550 L 1700 L 1850 L 2000 L 2150 L 2300 L 2450 L 2600 L 2750 L 2900 L 3050 L 3200 L 3350 L 3500 L 3650 L 3800 L 3950 L 4100 L 4250 L 4400 L 4550 L 4700 L 4850 L 5000 L Q1 CY2014 Q1 CY2015 Q1 CY2016 Q1 CY2017 Mid CY2017 Schedule Completed Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning19
LBNF Ross Refurbishment - Recent New Steel Installation Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning 20
LBNF Final Design Plan Final design includes pre-excavation, excavation, and buildings and site infrastructure scopes Deliverables planned at 30%, 60%, 90%, and 100% of final design Provides defined points for stakeholder review CM/GC involvement through independent cost / schedule estimate generation and estimate reconciliations and constructability reviews In addition to construction contract document production (drawings and technical specifications), cost estimates & schedules, calculations, final design scope includes: Basis of Design report Geotechnical Baseline Report and 3D geotechnical modeling An instrumentation and ground monitoring program Concept of Operations report Fully integrated 3D revit model Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning21
LBNF Final Design Schedule Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning22
LBNF Summary Facilities scope, requirements, and interfaces well defined, integrated, and controlled Designs, requirements, and interfaces independently reviewed Logistics plan in place. Provides solid roadmap for activities at SURF. Test blast program initiated to inform the final design and reduce risk Ross Shaft rehabilitation on track to support LBNF/DUNE construction Solid plan in place for development of a phased final design Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning23
LBNF Other recent design changes Removed enlargement of the Yates Shaft brow. The 4850L Ross Shaft station will be enlarged to address transport of long loads. Chambers 3 and 4 will be excavated concurrently Facility adjustments for the detector cavern grounding requirements Monorail crane capacity increased to 15 metric tons. Central Monorails extended 3m into both ends of each detector cavern with laydown space. Transverse beam design included for bridge crane-like flexibility. Pillar between detector chambers reduced in width to 14.4m (each chamber pit gets 0.3m longer to support side installation). Underground power requirements increased (225 kVA transformers now 500 kVA) Temperature requirements in detector caverns changed to F Headley | LBNC: Far Site Update and Planning24