O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 25.-26.11.2013 - 1 - Status O. Kester 10 th FAIR - Machine Advisory Committee Meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Status O. Kester 10 th FAIR - Machine Advisory Committee Meeting

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Outline 1.Technical highlights 2.Beam time and shutdown periods Project organization and planning 4.Status Specifications and procurement 5.Quality assurance 6.Outlook

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Technical Highlights SIS100 first of series (FOS) dipole module (E. Fischer) warm tests done, preparation of cold tests  first cool down 12/2013 Design of first quadrupol doublet module family completed  design of remaining module families ordered (E. Fischer) Test facilities for SC-magnets (P. Schnizer) GSI:Power converter cabinets and HTS-current leads CERN: Progress in test stand planning Dubna: Preparation of test stands for NICA SIS18 – Replacement of unipolar power converter for horizontal corrections coils by bipolare power converter completed  closed orbit correction First h=2 system in SIS18 installed  tests with beam in 2014 (P. Spiller)

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, — 4 Test benches for SIS100 dipoles String test preparation in parallel Utilities in Annex building (cryo supply, power converters,...) Preparation for Testing: The Series Test Facility  New building SH5, to be finished in spring 2014  Building permission assigned  Cryo plant and infrastructure ordered from Linde  Start testing in fall 2014  New building SH5, to be finished in spring 2014  Building permission assigned  Cryo plant and infrastructure ordered from Linde  Start testing in fall 2014

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Production of SIS100 QP Modules at JINR Dubna Preparation for tests at JINR 1600 m 2 main hall 700 m 2 auxiliary facilities Contract on test facility JINR-GSI in preparation

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Technical Highlights p-LINAC (W. Vinzenz) power supplies from GSI for the source  first test of Mini control system CH-cavity at GSI for copper plating CR-stochastic cooling (U. Weinrich) Tendering for RF components of stochastic cooling equipment (GSI In-Kind contribution) on the way prototype tank in production SIS100 – dipole vacuum chamber Manufacturer built a vacuum oven for brazing Manufacturer did first brazing tests (07/2013) Material for series production delivered

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, SuperFRS Hot Cell master-slave arms for mock-up (at manufacturer site) master-slave arms for mock-up (at manufacturer site) support frame at GSI Based on a study by nuclear engineering company Preliminary planning completed Execution planning running (includes new tooling required for waste handling Mock-up installation in preparation (Q4/2013) Collaboration with SPIRAL 2 (partially EU CRISP) Full realization by contract with company (Q4/2014) Based on a study by nuclear engineering company Preliminary planning completed Execution planning running (includes new tooling required for waste handling Mock-up installation in preparation (Q4/2013) Collaboration with SPIRAL 2 (partially EU CRISP) Full realization by contract with company (Q4/2014)

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Super-FRS superconducting magnets Multiplets Tender in progress: First offers expected for mid November Signing of contract: 01/2014 Multiplets Tender in progress: First offers expected for mid November Signing of contract: 01/2014 Dipoles Prototype succesfully tested in 2011 Collaboration with CEA/SACLAY under preparation:  Finalising design  Technical follow-up Dipoles Prototype succesfully tested in 2011 Collaboration with CEA/SACLAY under preparation:  Finalising design  Technical follow-up

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, BINP and GSI are in discussion how to transfer the technical supervision of the CR to BINP. MoU signed on a visit in Novosibirsk Workshop on the addendum to the MoU last week  signed! BINP and GSI are in discussion how to transfer the technical supervision of the CR to BINP. MoU signed on a visit in Novosibirsk Workshop on the addendum to the MoU last week  signed! Transfer of CR Project Responsibility to BINP

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, CBM/HADES projects in CBM Silicon Tracking System (STS) CBM Time-of-Flight Diamond Start Detector CBM Time-of-Flight Stop Detector Electronics preparation CBM/HADES Infrastructure

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, CBM Silicon Tracking System (STS) CBM’s central detector system largest FAIR detector project at GSI 8 high-tech tracking stations 2 m 3 volume in dipole magnet 2.5 M channels, 40 kW dissipation 10 MHz event rate, 1 TB/s data CBM’s central detector system largest FAIR detector project at GSI 8 high-tech tracking stations 2 m 3 volume in dipole magnet 2.5 M channels, 40 kW dissipation 10 MHz event rate, 1 TB/s data International project: 14 CBM member institutes from Germany, Russia, Poland, Ukraine GSI – project leadership GSI – in charge of 50% of construction International project: 14 CBM member institutes from Germany, Russia, Poland, Ukraine GSI – project leadership GSI – in charge of 50% of construction approved by FAIR 8/2013

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, A collaboration of Stockholm Univ., KVI Groningen, Warsaw, and the SPARC Collaboration A collaboration of Stockholm Univ., KVI Groningen, Warsaw, and the SPARC Collaboration Cave cleared Cave reconstruction close to completion Component preparation ongoing Cave cleared Cave reconstruction close to completion Component preparation ongoing

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, PBPP-Plasma Physics Target chamber: conceptual design simulation on chamber activation Target chamber: conceptual design simulation on chamber activation Final focusing system: 4 sc large aperture quads TDR submitted cryo plant, cryo distribution box, current leads in pipeline negotiations on contract started Final focusing system: 4 sc large aperture quads TDR submitted cryo plant, cryo distribution box, current leads in pipeline negotiations on contract started Wobbler: RF deflector for ring-focus klystron room redesigned radiation protection calc. done TDR drafted prototype built at ITEP Wobbler: RF deflector for ring-focus klystron room redesigned radiation protection calc. done TDR drafted prototype built at ITEP Ion Optical Layout: completely modified to include formerly 3 beam lines into a single one for o shaped focus (HIHEX) o ring focus with wobbler (LAPLAS) o homogeneous large focus for PRIOR vacuum simulations (stat. and dynamic) Ion Optical Layout: completely modified to include formerly 3 beam lines into a single one for o shaped focus (HIHEX) o ring focus with wobbler (LAPLAS) o homogeneous large focus for PRIOR vacuum simulations (stat. and dynamic)

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, RB-RB Status – GLAD magnet Magnet cold mass ready and tested. Coil tests done and successful. Integration into cryostat Q1/2014. Magnet should be delivered to GSI Q3/2014 Cryosystem: Cryoplant has been installed at the GSI site. Cryolines are on site. First compressor test November Cryoplant operation Q1/2014. Vacuum chamber: Specifications done. Tendering in progress. Expected delivery Q1/ More details: → News

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, PANDA DIRC prototype bars Compact DIRC detector design Highly polished rectangular bars made from synthetic fused silica Developed setup to measure bar properties (surfaces, angles). 2013: building DIRC labs in Heckhalle for future prototype design and QA. PANDA Barrel DIRC Overview DIRC: Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov Light Particle identification detector for PANDA Uniquely thin and compact design, reducing size of PANDA solenoid and calorimeter. Identification of charged particles with extreme efficiency and purity. Leading edge technologies,

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Technical highlights 2.Beam time and shutdown periods Project organization and planning 4.Status Specifications and procurement 5.Quality assurance 6.Outlook

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Accelerator Operation in beam time blocks comprising 555 shifts 23 days for technical commissioning 20 days for commissioning with ion beam acceleration 200 shifts are covered by machine physicists 2 beam time blocks comprising 555 shifts 23 days for technical commissioning 20 days for commissioning with ion beam acceleration 200 shifts are covered by machine physicists

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Two ion species beam operations provides main and parasitic use 583 shifts (predominantly main beam) serve for accelerator and detector development 680 shifts (main and parasitic beam) serve for research experiments Challenging planning and elaborate operating! Two ion species beam operations provides main and parasitic use 583 shifts (predominantly main beam) serve for accelerator and detector development 680 shifts (main and parasitic beam) serve for research experiments Challenging planning and elaborate operating! Accelerator Operation in 2014

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Technical highlights 2.Beam time and shutdown periods Project organization and planning 4.Status Specifications and procurement 5.Quality assurance 6.Outlook

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Project organization along Machines and…

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, …Line-management make up the classic matrix-organization

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Project planning fully implemented MILESTONES: Complementary detailed milestone planning of all machines, work packages and components including all interdependencies COST: - detailed payment plans for each work package - agreement on cost targets, tracking and evaluation of measures for cost reduction RESSOURCES: Detailed planning of necessary personnel and qualification based on analysis of tasks in the work packages

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Project planning  work package structure 6Machine projects GSI & FZJ (HESR) 102Work packages 262MSP project plans 5MSP plans for buildings 4Experiments 51Work packages 30MSP experiment plans In addition: 72 MSP department plans (general dep. tasks without PSP Code)

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Project planning  resource planning

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Project planning  Payment milestones as basis for the overall financial planning

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, With linking the systems SAP and MS Project the planner gets additional information about cost status for his MSP plans. The following cost information will be available in the plans due to the linking of the two systems: Actual Costs MSP = G-Actual Costs POR-Obligation / BANF MSP = G-Banf-Obligo Ordering Obligation MSP = G-Bestell-Obligo Down-payments MSP = G-Prepayment Delivery date of the POR/Purchase Order MSP = SAP Datum Account assignment, defined in the MSP = SAP PSP Code POR/Purchase Order SAP / MSP interface – the next step

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Cost Targets – next step in cost management GSI in-kind  During projects cost increases and risks always come up  Opportunities for cost reductions have to be worked out by a systematic approach  value engineering  Transparency regarding budget, derived targets und cost- status for the overall project, for machines and components are the precondition  Cost targets down to component level are being derived from the budget of the work packages  Cost targets can only be adapted by the PL

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Risk Management  Make risks in the project and possible mitigation actions transparent Based on a joint approach in the FAIR Project regarding methods and tool-set, Sibylle Panholzer in PCCO will work on Risk Management aspects for RM is team work: Project lead Risk manager Division and Department Heads MPLs, APLs System-responsible Tasks: Analysis of project relevant documents Evaluation of existing risk registers Risk Checklists Management Interviews With experts: Interviews, Brainstorming etc.  Clarify the Root Cause! (Why, How, When,....)

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Cable lists are integrated into the cable database. Test cable database was presented on 18 th of September Testing phase is ongoing. User permissions are defined.  Operational phase will start next week. Cable database

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Technical highlights 2.Beam time and shutdown periods Project organization and planning 4.Status Specifications and procurement 5.Quality assurance 6.Outlook

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Specifications Status: : (Numbers in brackets show the difference from ) Open Draft in internal review Draft in release process Released Technical guideline00 (+0)2 (-1)174 (+1) Common specification 108 (+0)4 (-2)19 (+2) Detailed specification242 (-10)10 (-1)37 (+4)71 (+16) Sum252 (-10)18 (-1)43 (+1)264 (+19)

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Procurement planning and monitoring specs expected QA WP

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Signed contracts GSI in-kind Work package/ComponentsPSP-Code SIS100 dipole modules Magnet Testing cold Super-FRS magnets CR Debuncher cavity and amplifier Steel for vacuum chambers (Dipoles & QMs)2.8.2.x Vacuum chambers SIS100 dipoles Superconducting wire SIS100 dipole modules Cryogenic Plant Test Facility SIS100 dipoles Cryogenic Helium Supply Unit Upgrade SIS18 dipole power supply Design SIS100 quadrupole modules Quench detection system for Magnet Testing Building for SIS100 dipole test cryo plant HTS Current Leads for SIS100 dipole test bench (asap) HTS Current Leads for SIS100 dipole series (asap)

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Open Announcements GSI in-kind Current AnnouncementsPSP-Code SIS100 Bunch Compressor System Power Converter SIS100 Dipole Test Facility CR Stochastic Cooling (RF-Power Amplifier) Superferric Multiplets Super-FRS Quench Detection System Series (Negotiation with KIT)

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, GSI-In-kind items in preparation Work package/ComponentsPSP-Code CR Debuncher Power Converters Ionisation Profile Monitor SIS x Adsorption pumps SIS x Cryo collimators SIS x SIS100 Barrier Bucket Cryogenic plant 2 (SIS100) Compressor station plant Magnet Testing SIS100 Quadrupole Magnets Cabinets for Low Level RF2.x.4.y

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Technical highlights 2.Beam time and shutdown periods Project organization and planning 4.Status Specifications and procurement 5.Quality assurance 6.Outlook

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Quality Assurance Operational tasks Document checks (contracts, specs.,) Test and inspection planning Prepare and maintaining of Q-Plans Control Plans (PLP) Test reports Test instructions Demand-driven adjustment of test plans Test equipment Planning Monitoring and maintenance Calibration and release Tests (WPL and QA) Incoming Inspection Production accompanying interim examination Final tests (for example FAT, SAT) and releases Cross-functional tasks Implementation of the QM- requirements Support of departments Regarding systematic quality methods At supplier audits By providing standards Identifying optimization potentials in processes & products Suggesting, initiating and monitoring of corrections Supplier management (support, training, maturity tracking, auditing possibly) Creating quality reports

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Extract – Factory acceptance test with HTS Current- Leads (Mark& Wedell)

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Extract – Original Testprotocol  Factory acceptance test with HTS Current- Leads (Mark& Wedell)

O. Kester, 10 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, Outlook – key points for the next 6 months 1. Accelerator operation for beam time Recruitment of personnel, external support 3. Optimization of MS-Project plans  major milestones, release processes, budget tracking 4. Cost reviews 5. Matching of the FAIR ACC master schedule with civil construction planning 6. Follow up of the specification process and procurement 7. Further Implementation of configuration management and QA 8. Improve change management process