March 18, 20051T11 – EURISOL meeting - GSI Aspects of secondary reactions in single- and double-stage targets (ST7) Goal:In-target Yield calculations for single-stage target double stage target … and optimization (beam-geometries-materials) for (Be, Ar, Ni, Ga, Kr, Sn, Fr) p p direct target fission target converter (d?, 3 He?) (d?) (I beam = Y * 1 * 2 * 3 ) UCx Hg, W
March 18, 20052T11 – EURISOL meeting - GSI Aspects of secondary reactions in single- and double-stage targets (ST7) Needs: Good spallation codes validation with data (thin target) Residues (particles to be done in T4) Associated with a transport code validation with data (thick target) (ISOL data) MCNPX (CEA-Saclay - France) FLUKA (Warsaw University - Poland) ??? Choice
March 18, 20053T11 – EURISOL meeting - GSI Aspects of secondary reactions in single- and double-stage targets (ST7) Status at CEA-Saclay: Development of INCL4 (with Liège Univ.) Numerous comparisons of INCL4/ABLA with data (Hindas project) Implementation of INCL4 and ABLA in MCNPX Coupling of MCNPX with CINDER (evolution code from LANL)
March 18, 20054T11 – EURISOL meeting - GSI Aspects of secondary reactions in single- and double-stage targets (ST7) Mass distributions
March 18, 20055T11 – EURISOL meeting - GSI Aspects of secondary reactions in single- and double-stage targets (ST7) Pb(1 GeV.A) + p Isotopic distributions
March 18, 20056T11 – EURISOL meeting - GSI Aspects of secondary reactions in single- and double-stage targets (ST7) Excitation functions (mb) E projectile
March 18, 20057T11 – EURISOL meeting - GSI Aspects of secondary reactions in single- and double-stage targets (ST7) MCNPX (LAHET + MCNP): INC: Bertini - Isabel - INCL4 Deex: Dresner(RAL/ORNL) - ABLA(PROFI) One package: CEM2k (CEM + GEM) CINDER: Evolution code independent cumulative yields --- with/without neutron flux
March 18, 20058T11 – EURISOL meeting - GSI Aspects of secondary reactions in single- and double-stage targets (ST7) MCNPX + CINDER Kr ISOL Data p + UCx detected Kr produced 1, 2 p
March 18, 20059T11 – EURISOL meeting - GSI Aspects of secondary reactions in single- and double-stage targets (ST7) MCNPX + CINDER Xe ISOL Data p + UCx
March 18, T11 – EURISOL meeting - GSI Aspects of secondary reactions in single- and double-stage targets (ST7) Detailed work plan: Next 12 months code validation (7) yields for single stage target (12…) After… yields for single stage target (24) yields for double stage target (33)
March 18, T11 – EURISOL meeting - GSI Aspects of secondary reactions in single- and double-stage targets (ST7) Status at Warsaw University: …contact is taken…
March 18, T11 – EURISOL meeting - GSI Aspects of secondary reactions in single- and double-stage targets (ST7) Provisional budget for the 12 months (4 years): Personnel 0 k€ (81) k€ Consumable 0 k€ (0) k€ Travel 4 k€ (12) k€ Permanent staff: J.-C. David, D. Doré, D. Ridikas, A. Boudard, S. Leray, C. Volant
March 18, T11 – EURISOL meeting - GSI Aspects of secondary reactions in single- and double-stage targets (ST7)