Following Jesus Called to Holiness
Living as a Disciple Vocation: Our Call to Holiness Set apart to do service for God Discernment : the process of determining what God wants us to do. It is achieved through prayer, study, scripture reflection and discussion. Say “Yes” Live a morally good life Be a person of prayer Reveal God’s love through service, social justice
How to Follow Jesus Evangelical Counsels: Practices over and above the adherence to the commandments and precepts of the Church Poverty Chastity Obedience Beatitudes Guidelines for living in holiness and for happiness Works of Mercy Corporal works Spiritual works
The Sermon on the Mount A collection of Jesus’ teachings on many important topics His parables Short stories about everyday life that offer the listeners a challenge to a conversion in their thoughts and actions. Jesus and the Rich Man (Mk. 10: 17-22) Rethink priorities, detach yourself from the wealth of this world and attached yourself to the “wealth” of the next. Commandments The Mosaic Law, “Ten Commandments” The Great Commandments, “The Law of Love” The account of the Last Judgment Preferential treatment of the poor Works of mercy Jesus Reveals God’s Call to Us
I am the LORD your God you shall not have strange Gods before me. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain Remember to keep holy the LORD'S Day. Honor your father and your mother. You shall not kill. You shall not commit adultery You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. You shall not covet your neighbor's goods The 10 Commandments God Others
The Beatitudes Guidelines to live by Enhancement of the Ten commandments, not a replacement for them. Teachings on prayer, almsgiving and fasting All are important practices Perform them in private, between you and God Teachings on various other practices of the times Expects more than what has been done “The commandments say…but I tell you…” The Sermon on the Mount
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land. Blessed are they who mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for justice: for they shall have their fill. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice‘ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Beatitudes
Matthew 5-7 Sermon on the Mount Beatitudes Guide for happiness Beyond the minimum requirements of the Ten commandments Other teachings Marriage and divorce Anger and revenge Fasting, prayer, almsgiving Do it without looking for merits Be humble Jesus’ teachings
Evangelical Counsels Poverty Avoid putting undue value on material things and wealth Chastity Integrate sexuality in to our total person. We are physical, emotional, intellectual, social, moral and spiritual persons in addition to sexual. Dress, speak, act, think in a modest way. Obedience Obey God and official authority
Prayer Conversation with God Keeps our relationship with God alive Helps us to bring that relationship to communal worship and strengthens our bond with the whole Church Fasting Sacrificing to join Jesus in his sacrifice. Used as an act of repentance. Almsgiving A form of social justice that helps those who are in need obtain those rights that are just because of their inherent dignity. Praying, Fasting & Almsgiving Keep it between you and God
A condition of complete surrender to God’s will and a state of love, peace and justice Matthew 13: Hidden treasure, Pearl “Sell all that you have to obtain it” Net Separation of good and bad Old & New Listen to the old and the new Jesus did not come to do away with the old law but to fulfill it Seek the “Kingdom of God”
Matthew 22: Of God Love God above all, with all your soul and all your mind Of neighbor Love your neighbor as you love yourself Love The whole Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets depend on these Two Commandments
Works of Mercy Physical Feed the hungry Give drink to the thirsty Shelter the homeless Clothe the naked Care for the sick Help the imprisoned Bury the dead Spiritual Share knowledge Give advice to those who need it Comfort those who suffer Forgive those who hurt you Correct those who need it Pray for the living and the dead The account of the Last Judgment (Mt. 25: 31-46)
Faith Be an example of faith by trusting in God and living the way He asks us to Obedience Obeying God, the Church, parents and authority, civil law, etc. Chastity Living in a way that does not give undue importance to things of a sexual nature, especially in thought, words, dress, and action Poverty Live in a manner that is detached from material things. Humility Act in a way that shows that you understand and acknowledge the fundamental dignity of all humans. “Theotokos” Carry Jesus in your heart and reveal Him to all people. Faith Devout Jewish woman Obedience Fiat, said YES to God’s plan for her Chastity Lived a chaste life as did Joseph her husband Poverty No focus on material wealth or goods Lived simply Humility Did not see herself as anyone special or above anyone else “Theotokos” The bearer of God to all Mary, the Model of Discipleship
Aids to Holiness God provides help to strengthen us Teachings and example of Jesus Intellect Helps us to see and understand the natural order God has created Helps us weigh decisions and evaluate outcomes toward good moral choices The Natural Law Free will Allows us to act on those choices Resist evil Grace God’s supernatural gift that helps us respond to his love and restore us to original holiness and justice Helps us to ask for forgiveness
Aids to Holiness Self-reflection God given ability and responsibility to engage in self-reflection. We need to look into our hearts and examine the choices we have made and listen for an follow the voice of our conscience. a God given sense of the Law of God Formed and driven by Divine Law The Church God’s greatest gift to us in living holy lives Sacraments unite us to Christ and provide the gifts and guidance of the Holy Spirit Members give us strength and support on our journey Provides the opportunity for prayer, education, community and service