Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark
In this section you will learn that President Jefferson purchased the Louisiana territory in 1803 and doubled the size of the United States. Jefferson also sent Lewis and Clark to explore the regions west of the Mississippi.
In 1800, France and Spain were negotiating for ownership of Louisiana territory, a vast region between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains.
Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte of France, who had gained control of the Port of New Orleans and the Louisiana territory, and who was desperate for money, sold the entire Louisiana territory in 1803 to the United States for about $15 million- about three cents per acre.
The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States.
Artist rendering of Louisiana Purchase in 1804
Jefferson chose Captain Meriwether Lewis to lead an exploration into the Louisiana territory. Lewis in turn recruited his friend Lieutenant William Clark to oversee a volunteer force called the Corps of Discovery.
Meriwether Lewis William Clark
The Corps of Discovery came to be known as the Lewis and Clark expedition.
The ______ was a vast region between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains controlled by France and Spain. 1) Louisiana territory 2) Rocky Mountain range 3) Gulf of Mexico 4) Klondike
Emperor ______ sold the entire Louisiana territory in 1803 to the United States. 1) Louis XVI 2) Charlemagne 3) Constantine 4) Napoleon Bonaparte
The ______ doubled the size of the United States. 1) French and Indian War 2) Louisiana Purchase 3) Lewis and Clark expedition 4) Treaty of Paris
Jefferson chose Captain ______ to lead an exploration into the Louisiana territory. 1) Zebulon Pike 2) John Paul Jones 3) William Clark 4) Meriwether Lewis
Meriwether Lewis recruited his friend Lieutenant ______ to oversee a volunteer force called the Corps of Discovery. 1) William Clark 2) Zebulon Pike 3) James Monroe 4) Daniel Boone
The Corps of Discovery came to be known as the ______. 1) Marine Corps 2) Trail Blazers 3) Green Mountain Boys 4) Lewis and Clark expedition
The goal of the Lewis and Clark expedition was to establish good relations with the Native Americans and try to find a northwest passage across the United States.
In 1805 Lewis and Clark were joined by the 17-year-old Shoshone wife of a French trapper named Sacajawea who proved an invaluable ambassador to other Native American tribes.
Despite many hardships, the Lewis and Clark expedition traversed the United States from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean and brought back a wealth of scientific and geographic information. The expedition also revealed that a northwest water passage did not exist.
The Explorer Zebulon Pike was charged with finding the sources of the Arkansas and Red Rivers, and brought back valuable descriptions of the Great Plains and the Río Grande River Valley.
Impact of Western exploration from Accurate maps Growth of the fur trade Mistaken view of the Great Plains
Map of Lewis and Clark's Track, Across the Western Portion of North America, published 1814
The goal of the Lewis and Clark expedition was to ______ and try to find a northwest passage across the United States. 1) rescue Sacajawea from the French 2) find the source of the Arkansas and Red Rivers 3) establish good relations with the Native Americans 4) spy on the English
In 1805 Lewis and Clark were joined by ______ who proved an invaluable ambassador to other Native American tribes. 1) Sacajawea 2) Pontiac 3) Zebulon Pike 4) a Shoshone chief
Despite many hardships, the Lewis and Clark expedition traversed the United States from the Missouri River to the ______. 1) Gulf of Mexico 2) Rocky Mountains 3) Pacific Ocean 4) Alaskan wilderness
The Lewis and Clark expedition ______. 1) failed to reach the Pacific Coast 2) was the brainchild of John Adams 3) incorrectly identified the Great Plains as deserts 4) revealed that a northwest water passage did not exist
The Explorer ______ brought back valuable descriptions of the Great Plains and the Río Grande River Valley. 1) Zebulon Pike 2) Meriwether Lewis 3) William Clark 4) Daniel Boone
Which was not an impact of Western exploration from ) Accurate maps 2) Mistaken view of the Great Plains 3) improved relations with the Spanish 4) Growth of the fur trade