Project Report On “Working Process” Conducted At The Kaithal Cooperative Sugar Mills Ltd., Kaithal Submitted by: Amit Chugh Roll no:-4209402 Mech.3rd year Submitted to: Er. Naveen Rathi Lectr. In Mech. Deptt. H.I.E.T, Kaithal
FACTORY PROFILE The sugar mill is established in 1991. Location -4km away the city kaithal. Raw material –sugar cane. Product- sugar. Turn over-40 crores(2009-2010). Production of mill 2500 quintal per day. No. of workers-750(app). Area-147 acres. Working period from November to February.
Cane There are various kinds of sugar cane in india is to be produced like 64,73, 92,118, 130. The quality of no. 64 of cane is best from all of these varieties, because it contains highest sugar constraints, it has good recovery of juice.
The function of cane UnLoader is to pick up the cane from the tractor and steered into the cane carrier chain. Its capacity is 5 tones, long travel speed 15m/min. By the means of electric motors.
Cane carrier
The function of this chain is to carry the cane which are dropped by the unloader. Its horizontal length is 32.119 meter. And split type width 1700 mm, feeding depth 1600 mm Its total length is 51.410 meter. It is driven by electric motor HP 50, RPM 1440.
CANE LEVELLER the function of cane leveler is to sure smooth running of all cane from cane unloader because the cane dropped by the unloader are not to be in proper manner. No. of blades 32 Motor driven HP 250 RPM 589 clearance 180 mm between carrier and blades.
Cane cutter Its function is to make small pieces of sugar cane by the means of knives which are dragged on the roller. No. of blades 36. Motor driven HP250 Material for the blades is mildsteel
Cane fibrizor It used to make the fibre of all small pieces of canes which are forwarded by cutter. it has 64 hammer of stainless steel having cast steel body. They are in the rectangular shape. This is also driven by electric motor.
Mill house The function of mill house is to drawn the juice from the fibre of the cane received by the cane carrier chain. There are 4 mill in the plant. 1st mill’s job is to drawn the juice approx. 70% juice are drawn here with the help of 4 roller. Their name are: Top Feed Discharge Unfeed These 4 rollers are driven by steam turbine with the help of primary gear, secondary and the transmission gear.
2nd mill of plant Here 20% of total juice is to be drawn out and also juice is pumped to the tank. The speed of roller is 13 m/min. RPM 4.57 FEED : 62mm GROOVES : 38mm DEPTH : 46mm MATERIAL of the roller cast iron and cast steel
3rd mill of plant Here, hot water of 70* C is to be impinges on the bagasse and here, most of the juice from every cane is drawn out and pumped to tank. Feed : 33mm Grooves: 56mm Depth 30mm RPM of turbine 3000-4000 Control by Governor
4th mill of plant Horizontal length 61.1 meter. Effective width 1500 mm The Electric motor haspower 37 kilowatt at 1470 RPM The RED. GEARBOX ratio is 40:1
MIXED JUICE TANK In this tank,juice from all the tank of mills house Is collected in a big tank is called ‘mixed juice tank’ through the pumps. Juice is measured & weighted by automatic boulogne type juice weighing scale of 60 tonnes capacity per tips.with recording counter With a 10 tonnes platform steel years weigh Bridge for check weighment.
JUICE TANK From the mixed juice tank,juice is heated in juice heater by the means of exhaust steam. One stainless steel plate type heat exchanger of 100 sq.m heating surface for clear juice heating having a by pass arrangement. 5 high velocity vertical juice heater of 170 sq.m heating surface each working with exhaust and vapour.all five no. are interchangable and are used for raw and sulphiated juice heating. Temp. of juice is 70⁰c. Stainless-steel tube outer dia. 45mmx42mmx4000mm No. of tube 320
JUICE SULPHIATION TANK After heating the raw juice,it pumped to sulphitation tank. Here juice is mixed with soda-lime and the sulphar gas is passed through the juice.all these things are rotated in a tank with the help of motor at the top of the tank.
JUICE HEATER FOR 2ND HEATING From the sulphitor tank,juice is pumped to the heater, this heating is called 2nd heating of juice. Here temp. of juice is approx. 102⁰c. They have stainless-steel tube.
CLARIFIER From the juice heater,juice is pumped to the clarifier,here juice is keep stationary for a sufficent time,so that impurity are setteled down in the bottom. Impurity + some juice is taken out from the tank and pumped to the vacum filter. Clear juice is pumped again to clear juice heater and here temp. of juice is 116⁰c.
VACUM FILTER Muddy juice with the help of pump is reached to the vacum this vacum is created by the pumps. The mud is stick to the screen and the clear juice is passed through the small pipe and finally mixed in juice tank. 2 rotatry vacum filter Dia. 2.44m Long 4.88m Filtering area 36 sq. m, stainless-steel screen.
EVAPORATORS & BOILING PLANTS SEMI KESNER After heating the clear juice in heater,juice is pumped to the semi is double-effect pre-evaporator. The function of semi kesner is to heat the juice for less than 2 min. It has two chamber For juice For vapour Heating surface area 800 sq.m. Length of tube is 45mm×42mmx4655mm. No. of tube 1302.
VAPOUR CELL From the semi kesner, juice is pumped to the vapour cell. Here juice is heated upto 2 minutes. Heating surface 950 sq.m Tube length 2000 mm Diameter 45mm x 42mm No. of tubes 3580 Material stainless steel
EVAPORATOR BODY Juice from vapour cell is pumped to 1st evp body, juice is evaporated here. Length: 4000mm Heating surface : 450sqm Vapour pipe dia: 600mm No. of tubes: 1724 Tube length: 2 meter ID : 42.5mm OD: 45mm
Syrup sulphiator tank From all the EVP. Body, the juice is become like syrup. The syrup is treated with sulphurs gas in the tank. one syrup sulphiter tank Working capacity: 50hl ID of shell 2100 mm
Syrup Storage Tank After treatment, syrup is reached to starage tank. No. of tanks: 5 Material of tank : mild steel Capacity: 200 HL Shape of tank: rectangular One tank for melt and four tank for syrup.
PAN STATION Vacum Pan From storage tank, syrup is pumped to the vacum pan to convert them in solid form. No. of vacum pan: 5 Capacity of vacum pan: 60 tones each Heating surface : 300 sqm Tube length : 900mm No. of tube : 1094 Syrup change in solid form and it checked time to time by a long checking key provided min tank.
CRYSTALLIZER From the pan, the crystal formed goes to the crystallizer. 3 u-shaped air coaled cryst. Of tonnes capacity each for a m/c 3 v shaped betch type water coaled crystalled ( moving coil) of 65 tones capacity for m/c 2 v shaped air coaled coil cryst. Of 65 tones capacity each for c m/c
Boiler The function of boiler is to give the heat to water and then converted into steam. Two no. of bent type bagasse fixed boiler water tube boiler. Working pressure 32kg/ Heating surface Each boiler steam generating capacity – 32 tones per hour Efficiency of boiler - 80-85%
Super heater Economizer The function of this, is to removes the moisture completely from used steam Heating surface of super heater coil 94 sq.m Super heater outlet pressure 32kg/ Super heater outlet Temp. 380⁰c +15⁰c Economizer The function of this is to heat the feed water by the means of flue gares. Efficiency is improved up to 2% Gilled tube type heating surface 180sq.meter , feed water heating by exhaust steam
FURNANCE THE FUNCTION IS TO GIVE the heat to boiler, for converting the water into the steam. Types of furnace Horse soot furnace Damping grade furnace Later is used in plant
STEAM TURBINE The function of turbine is to convert the energy of steam in mechanical energy One no. 2500 kw rating multi-stage turbine. Steam inlet pressure-32 kg/ Steam exhaust pressure-1 kg/ Reduction gear speed- 8325/1500 rpm
Useful information Current used – A.C. VOLTAGE - 415 VOLTS OUTPUT - 2500kw Purpose for which used – for light Power factor – 0.8 No. of phase – 3 Frequency cycle - 50 cycle Maximum demand in season 2500kw Maximum demand in off season 800kw Capacity registered 2500 TCD Type Of Plant - Semi electric drive Clarification Process Used - double sulphitation