1 Your challenges and how we can help Sudhir Aggarwal Chair, Department of Computer Science Florida State University August 22, 2003
2 How do I finish my program? MS students: Work very hard! Try to finish in 2 years PhD students: Work harder than MS students!! Try to finish in 4 years Get advice and get financial support
3 Advice Your advisor Lois Hawkes, director of graduate studies David Gaitros, associate chair Your peers faculty Department and university staff Department chair Use our grad students lounge Love 151 Always go for free food!
4 Changes in faculty Recruiting – 6 new faculty this year –Andy Wang, Assistant Professor –Kartik Gopalan, Assistant Professr –Zhenhai Duan, Assistant Professor –Gary Tyson, Associate Professor –Daniel Chang, Assistant in CS –Ann Ford, Associate in CS
5 Changes in the Academic Programs MS Graduate Program revised –10 course option & streamlined core requirement PhD Program –Qualifying (portfolio based) –Preliminary (area exam) –PhD requirements modified Introduction to Research Colloquium
6 New courses Special Topics Courses (5930) 600 Level courses More offerings of courses
7 Grants: annual expenditures
8 Good luck and happy sailing!!