I will be honest in all my interactions and practices. Rationale: Honesty is something I value. It’s too difficult to keep up with lies. The Texas Educator’s Code of Ethics has several practices that relate directly to honesty, such as not practicing deception, not being fraudulent in practices or falsifying records. Living an honest and authentic life is honest to who I am.
I will own my mistakes. Rationale: I value honesty and that includes admitting when you’re wrong and growing from it.
I will not use my authority for personal gain. Rationale: I choose to live my life authentically, using my position for personal gain would be wrong to me. The Texas Educator’s Code of Ethics has practices that speak to this idea, including not seeking personal privileges, favors, and monies. I’m not in this profession for that sort of gain. My treasures are ones of joy and excitement when students learn and succeed.
I will harm no one nor threaten to do so. Rationale: Harm is what I consider the deepest of sins. Compassion is where the hope of humanity resides. As Gandhi said, “An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind.” Harm only begets harm. I value life. The Texas Educator’s Code of Ethics has a large number of practices related to this one such a not threatening or harming students or parents, respecting the citizenship of others, maintaining student privacy, and not getting involved in illicit use of drugs are just a few.
I will not influence students with my own opinions of the subject matter being taught. Rationale: I teach a subject matter filled with opinions and ideas. I work hard to allow my students to come to their own conclusions. They often ask me my thoughts and practices on religion and government. I refuse to answer and explain that it would be difficult to teach all students who are from several different cultures if I show bias in class. I work to honor each culture and to create a safe space for discussion and healthy debate.
I will conduct myself in a professional manner with all whom I encounter in my career. Rationale: I have a professional career and should act like a professional. If I want to be treated well and respected, then this is required. Professionalism helps keep drama at bay, too.
I will endeavor to collaborate with my colleagues. Rationale: It’s easy to hide in your classroom and not reach out to your co- workers. Coming to a place of agreement can be challenging. But collaboration and consensus are great skills for a leader and as department chair, I need to hone mine. It will create an effective team will succeed.
I will strive to see the best in everyone and maintain compassion for all. Rationale: I learned long ago that attitude is everything. If I maintain a compassionate, loving attitude and expect the best of people, they will often surprise themselves. It’s also what I expect of me. My students grow when I expect their best.
I will approach problems with solutions. Rationale: This lends to having a positive attitude. If I don’t approach problems with potential solutions, then I’m only whining and wasting my time and energy and probably others’ time and energy too. That’s not acceptable to me.
In my career, my students’ needs will be my highest priority. Rationale: If anything I do in my career doesn’t benefit my students, then why am I doing it? Their success is my goal and I keep a copy of their goals and my theory of action to get there next to my desk and in my classroom window. They will succeed.
I will continue to excel professionally through trainings and classes to increase my skills as an educator. Rationale: My success as an educator comes from strength as a learner. I have an intrinsic motivation to learn and grow. When I do, I become a better teacher. I reach out and try new things and my students benefit. This feeds back into my students’ needs being my highest priority.
In my personal life, my family’s needs will be my highest priority, even above my career, if the two come in conflict. Rationale: Recently, I changed schools because my husband and I were working at the same school. Last year, our principal put us in two class periods together. I found this an unsafe and potentially unethical situation. She said she was sure we could be professionals. My husband and I also saw each other so much and talked about work almost non-stop. We reached a point where work is all we discussed. We both hated it but it was as if we couldn’t help it. It was exhausting. Since I’ve moved, I enjoy spending time with my husband again. I gave my dream position up for my family and I’d do it again. They are the main focus in my life.
I will stop, listen, and be mindful of the concerns shared with me, seeking to find resolution when required and be a listening ear when that’s all that is needed. Rationale: Listening seems to be a lost art. We hear people talking; but do we really listen to what they say? In listening to others, I often find the answers to my own challenges. Setting my ego aside and putting myself in their shoes or simply being a shoulder to lean on for someone else brings me the peace that being in service to others gives.
I will encourage parent involvement and communication in regards to their child’s education. Rationale: The best way to help a student is when teacher and parent work together for the student’s benefit. That communication greatly increases that child’s success. This comes from pure experience.
I will be kind. Rationale: The Dalai Lama says, “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” I believe that he is absolutely right. Humans deserve kindness. Cruelty is experienced by all at some point in life and only brings pain and often fear. Haven’t we all had enough of that? Imagine for a moment – what if every person acted in kindness? What great changes we can bring to our world with a little compassion.