2007 Federal Environmental Symposium, June 4-6, 2007Lam/ 1 of 16 Enhancing Health, Productivity and Energy Management through BIM Khee Poh Lam PhD, RIBA Professor of Architecture Center for Building Performance & Diagnostics School of Architecture Carnegie Mellon University
2007 Federal Environmental Symposium, June 4-6, 2007Lam/ 2 of Building Investment Decision Support (BIDS and e-BIDS) Cost-Benefit tools to promote high performance components, flexible infrastructures and systems integration for sustainable buildings and productive organizations.
2007 Federal Environmental Symposium, June 4-6, 2007Lam/ 3 of 16 Health-related Productivity Costs/Case study Productivity loss may result from absence from work, but is more often due to reduced effectiveness on the job. In total, productivity losses from building-related health problems are equivalent to more than 10 days per employee per year.
2007 Federal Environmental Symposium, June 4-6, 2007Lam/ 4 of 16 CBPD has identified 25 studies that link indoor air quality improvements to productivity gains, with an average 3.3% productivity increase and a range of improvement between 0.1% and 14.4%. Health-related Productivity Costs/Case study
2007 Federal Environmental Symposium, June 4-6, 2007Lam/ 5 of 16 CBPD has identified 20 studies that link improved temperature control to productivity gains, with an average 5.5% productivity increase and a range of improvement between 6.2% and 24%. Health-related Productivity Costs/Case study
2007 Federal Environmental Symposium, June 4-6, 2007Lam/ 6 of 16 CBPD has identified 13 studies that link high performance lighting systems to productivity gains, with a median 3.2% productivity increase and a range of improvement between 0.4% and 26.1%. Health-related Productivity Costs/Case study
2007 Federal Environmental Symposium, June 4-6, 2007Lam/ 7 of 16 BIDS Data Analysis and Visualization
2007 Federal Environmental Symposium, June 4-6, 2007Lam/ 8 of 16 User Inputs Output Limiters Project characteristics Building Type Office School Hospital Climate Zone Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Confidence Rating ≥5 studies ≥3 Studies Any # of studies Payback Criteria Energy / O&M Health Productivity Guideline Ranking By ROI By system By LEED points achieved System outputs Relevant CBPD guidelines as determined by user specifications UTRC/NIST BIDS™ into BIM Hierarchical Decision Support System Concept
2007 Federal Environmental Symposium, June 4-6, 2007Lam/ 9 of 16 UTRC/NIST BIDS™ into BIM Hierarchical Decision Support System Concept
2007 Federal Environmental Symposium, June 4-6, 2007Lam/ 10 of 16 Information Needs Through Building Life Cycle (NBIMS 2007) BIM
2007 Federal Environmental Symposium, June 4-6, 2007Lam/ 11 of 16 Objective Reduce effort to conduct building performance simulation CAD software exports in XML formats Project InformationAutomated ProcessingPost Processing Automatic XML-Based Parser Automatic Default Values Automatic Engine Selection Automatic Simulation Files Creation Improved Analysis Features User-editable Input BIM Applications in Design
2007 Federal Environmental Symposium, June 4-6, 2007Lam/ 12 of 16 Significant time required to set up geometry – redundant tasks Significant effort required to deal with semantics – expert knowledge Bazjanac 2001 Information Needs During Design Process
2007 Federal Environmental Symposium, June 4-6, 2007Lam/ 13 of Examples of BIM Schemas and Languages Industry Foundation Class (IFC) A schema with definitions, relationships and rules. Define a standard way of describing, representing, and interfacing with A/E/C objects. Data representation in EXPRESS, data exchange in STEP 21 format. EXPRESS Language developed within ISO-STEP community for representing application interpreted models. EXPRESS-G Graphical means of depicting EXPRESS gbXML An XML-based schema representing the building information (geometry, material properties..) for energy simulation purpose, and being extended to other simulations..
2007 Federal Environmental Symposium, June 4-6, 2007Lam/ 14 of 16 CMU_Control.XML BIM Applications in Lighting and Control Design LEED Credit 8.1 Revit CAD Model
2007 Federal Environmental Symposium, June 4-6, 2007Lam/ 15 of 16 A product model for commissioning Based on standards, products, designers, and commissioning authority BIM Application in Continuous Commissioning
2007 Federal Environmental Symposium, June 4-6, 2007Lam/ 16 of 16 Sustainable BIM VirtualReal