Movement of Earth’s Crust
Plates Earth QuakesVolcanoes
Row 1, Col 1 Plates float on this layer of weak, easily deformed rock. What’s the asthensophere?
1,2 The Crust What’s the thinnest layer of the Earth?
1,3 Plates collide along this boundary What is a convergent boundary?
1,4 Three How many types of volcanoes are there?
2,1 Constantly How often does the Earth’s crust?
2,2 The point directly above the focus of the earthquake, located on the crust What is the epicenter?
2,3 A mountain that forms around an opening in the Earth’s crust. What is a volcano?
2,4 Magma is pushed up to the surface through an opening and erupts as this. (What is lava)?
3,1 The reason large stiff plates of the lithosphere float on the asthenosphere. What is asthenosphere’s plasticity?
3,2 The crust and the upper mantle What is the Lithosphere?
3,3 Sudden movement of rocks in Earth’s crust. What is an earthquake?
3,4 Volcano in the middle of a plate with a single column of magma. What is a hot spot?
4,1 Theory of plate movement. What is plate tectonics?
4,2 A chain of mountains through the oceans. What is a mid-ocean ridge?
4,3 An up and down, slower wave on the Earth’s surface. What is a S wave?
4,4 This volcano has the most violent eruptions. What is a composite volcano?
5,1 Plates collide along it. What is a convergent boundary?
5,2 Process that forms new sea floor along a rift What is sea-floor spreading?
5,3 Up and down, slower wave in Earth’s crust. What is a S wave
5,4 Ashes, cinders and rocks burst from Earth during a violent eruption. What is cinder volcano?