2/2/16 and 2/3/16 1.Warm Up 2.Google Forms (after)-Lesson 5 and Lesson 6 (before) 3.Volcano Formation-Activity Hotspot Formation- Activity Reading 6.2 HOMEWORK: Reading 6.2-answer questions embedded in IQWST
Purpose of this Lesson Further explore how volcanoes form due to subduction and to introduce a new process of how volcanoes form at hotspots.
Learning Goals Compare formation of mountains and volcanoes. Use a model to explain a mechanism for volcanic chain formation.
Google Classroom Rate what you know! The same form will be completed at the end of this lesson.
How is Earth Changing?
IQWST Activity 6.1- Venn Diagram 3 minutes to type in the Venn Diagram provided in IQWST. 2 minutes to share with someone at a different table. What are some similarities between a mountain and a volcano? What are some differences between a mountain and a volcano?
IQWST Activity 6.1- Volcano Formation Safety: You will be working with hot material. Do not touch the setup. Wear safety goggles at all times because glass can shatter when it is heated. Read over procedures: RECORD OBSERVATIONS Heat source will be a hot plate (change). No removal of heat source (teacher will turn it off)
IQWST Activity 6.1- Volcano Formation Discussion: What did we model with this activity? If we were to wait for the wax to cool down, and then ran the simulation all over again, what do you think would happen?
IQWST Activity 6.2- Hotspot Formation What is a hotspot?
IQWST Activity 6.2- Hotspot Formation Video Hotspot Video
IQWST Activity 6.2- Hotspot Formation How do you think a hotspot could have formed this chain of islands? (Driving Question Map)
IQWST Activity 6.2- Hotspot Formation Demo Demonstrating Formation of Volcano Chains: 1.One student will hold a pencil (representing the hotspot that is fixed) upright on a desk, with the pointy end facing straight up in the air. The other students will hold a piece of paper over the pencil. 2.The first student should move the pencil (hotspot/heat source) slowly up then down, without moving it side to side. Student holding the paper over the pencil, should move it sideways over the pencil, so that a hole forms in the paper from the pencil every time it rises far enough to poke through the paper. 3.As time passes, the plates moves slowly in some direction. Because the plate is moving, the volcanoes end up forming in a chain, or a line. Hawaii on a map
IQWST Activity 6.2- Hotspot Formation Hotspots within the earth can form volcanoes in the middle of a plate. Nearly all other geologic activity is centered on places where plates meet other plates (plate boundaries)
Pack everything up. Please put markers/crayons/col ored pencils back where they belong.
Google Classroom Rate what you know! The same form will be completed at the end of this lesson.