We seek to enhance older people’s quality of life through community support and mutual care. “” The Foundation for Older Persons’ Development (FOPDEV)
The Foundation for Older Persons’ Development (FOPDEV) is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization established in 1999 with initial support of HelpAge International. STAFFING: 11 pax Full time: 10 (1 abroad) Part time: 1 Thai interns: 3 Volunteers:nil
FOPDEV seeks to improve the quality of life for disadvantaged older people in Thailand by enhancing their ability to care for themselves and others and by promoting ideals of active aging in the society at large. PROJECT AREAS: Chiang Mai - Lamphun City* Samoeng* Sansai Fang Mae Ai Ban Thi * Mae Hongson Mok Champae*
In order to improve the standard of living of Disadvantaged older persons, FOPDEV concentrates On sustainable community-based care programmes.
This programme is financially supported by Help-the-Aged (UK). In this scheme, a portion of donations are used as capital for income-generating projects (IGPs) for disadvantaged older persons. “Weaving project”
Participants are thus empowered to take control of their economic situation and, in turn, support other disadvantaged older persons and their community at large through the provision of goods and services. FISHPOND PROJECT “ Fetching fish from the project to raise at home”
“ The catfish pond located on backyard, so the older persons can brings catfishes for private consumption anytime they want. ” “Fish-pond project”
“ The eggs are collected and divided into 2 portions; First are distributed to disadvantaged older people. The remaining are sold for 2 baht each. This project benefits all members of the community. ” “Chicken raising project”
In Mae Ai district, older people’s associations have utilized funds from FOPDEV to raise cattle and sheep, build fish ponds, manufacture baskets and herbal tea, and undertake sewing and food preservation initiatives. “Handicraft – basket making”
Their products are sold around the country, a source of pride as well as economic profit. “Group work on basket making”
In Samoeng district, groups of older people run IGPs involving animal husbandry, handicrafts, and weaving. “Passing on knowledge to next generation”
Family members and neighbors also take part in these activities, creating additional multi-generational benefits. “Practise on clay flower making”
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Republic of Korea are currently promoting home-care projects in ten ASEAN member nations.
As part of this joint initiative, FOPDEV trains volunteer home-helpers in the city of Chiang Mai to encourage independent living for disadvantaged older people and to lighten the burden on family caregivers.
These volunteers provide assistance with household chores, basic health care monitoring, daily convenience services, and personal care.
Volunteers also provide much desired companionship to the 150 older people enrolled and form mutually beneficially cross-generational relationships.
Volunteers are required to commit to the programme for at least one year in order to build friendships and increase stability for those involved.
“ Volunteer use her own side-car for transport older person to the hospital, this side-car is used for her career. ”
Older people are greatly affected by HIV/AIDS and play a large role in coping with AIDS in their families and communities.
Nevertheless, older people are rarely included in the policies and activities of government and nongovernmental organizations alike.
Therefore, FOPDEV provided evidence for the inclusion of older people in Thailand’s National Integrated Strategic Plan on AIDS Prevention ( ) and continues to support the elderly in this challenging situation through community education programmes.
Most members of the older persons’ association in the Sansai district have been directly affected by HIV/AIDS. As a group, they share common experiences and participate together in extra income generating activities to ease their burdens.
These IGAs – which include making paper flowers and running an herbal sauna – further serve to unite them and provide opportunities for emotional support.
“ This community has a traditional dancing, the lyric of the song is about ephemeral lived. This dancing enlighten to the audience while the older people in exercise. ”
Support A Grandparent Programme (SAGP) Working with 5 main communities in the Chiang Mai municipal area and districts of Sansai, Fang, Mae Ai, Samoeng and Ban Thi of Lamphun province.
Volunteer-Based Home Care Services Programme Supporting over 90 volunteers to visit 160 older people living in 33 communities in the Chiang Mai municipal area Home care project model has been replicated in Bangkok congested areas by Diocesan of Bangkok Social Action Centre, Y.M.C.A. Bangkok Foundation Possible Services: Meals on Wheels Info main communities (4-5)
Programme for Older People Affected by HIV/AIDS Supporting the project partners to include those older people who are afftected by HIV/AIDS in their areas as their target group Activities include: income generations, home visit, peer group supports, advocacy on contribution of older people to community, rights and entitlement
Advocacy work In collaboration with government departments, local NGOs, UNFPA in raising public awareness of the needs and the significance of the older people Campaigning on rights and entitlement of older people in line with Thailand’s Older People Act 2003 Networking with media to disseminate ageing issue Thai PBS National Cable TV Organising short film contests UNFPA (2009) MOSDHS (2010) Rama Hospital (2011)