UAW-GM Safety System Site Leadership Awareness Training Planning Implementation and Operation Checking and Corrective Action LeadershipReview Policy and Organization
UAW-GM Safety System Purpose of UAW-GM Safety System Safety Systems vs. Programs UAW-GM Safety System Documents UAW-GM Safety System Components Review Audit Performance Standards Audit Technical Standards Guidance Documents UAW-GM Safety System Standards Champions Gap Analysis (2015)/ Self-Assessment Process Implementation Roadmap
UAW-GM Safety System Exercising the joint process in the U.S. UAW-GM Safety System is built using the concepts of ANSI z10, OHSAS and all our negotiated terms Components are jointly reviewed and modified as necessary Outcome - UNITED AUTO WORKERS & GENERAL MOTORS COMPANY UAW-GM Safety System Standard Authorized by: Cindy Estrada, UAW Vice President, General Motors Department Jim Glynn, GM Vice President, Labor Relations
UAW-GM Safety System Review Purpose
P urpose of UAW-GM Safety System The UAW-GM Safety System is the engine that runs our H&S performance, ensuring compliance to regulations and UAW-GM Standards. It enable sites to: –Systematically identify, control and minimize the risk of loss to people, equipment, materials and workplace environment. –Continually improve H&S capabilities and performance UAW-GM Safety System Jointly agreed upon documents UAW-GM Modules the vision of Doc. No. 7, 14, 105, 117, 122, 139 Attachment A of the UAW-GM National Agreement Major Letters UAW-GM Health and Safety Implementation Guidelines GM Global Environment al, Hygiene & Safety Policy (EHS- 01)
UAW-GM Safety System Jointly agreed upon documents UAW-GM Modules the vision of Doc. No. 7, 14, 105, 117, 122, 139 Attachment A of the UAW-GM National Agreement Major Letters UAW-GM Health and Safety Implementation Guidelines GM Global Environment al Hygiene & Safety Policy (EHS-01) Current UAW-GM Agreements
The UAW-GM Safety Systems approach lets us: o Understand how things influence one another within a whole. o View “problems” as part of an overall system. o Focus on cyclical versus linear relationships. o Documented feedback P urpose of UAW-GM Safety System
The UAW-GM Safety Systems approach lets us: o Understand how things influence one another within a whole. o View “problems” as part of an overall system. o Focus on cyclical versus linear relationships. Purpose of UAW-GM Safety System
UAW-GM Safety System Review Explaining the Difference Between Programs and the UAW-GM Safety System
Programs INPUTOUTPUTPROCESS INPUTOUTPUTPROCESS Feedback Loop Systems Focus on compliance Focus on performance Integration and Feedback – Crucial components of an effective Safety system UAW-GM Safety Systems and Programs
Policy & Organization Planning Implementation Checking Corrective Action Fall Protection Program Respiratory Protection Program Pedestrian In-Plant Vehicle Programs Vs. UAW-GM Safety Systems PLAN DO CHECK ACT
UAW-GM Safety System Review Comparison to acceptable industry standards and other industries using Safety Systems
UAW-GM Safety Systems and Consensus Standards Management Leadership and Employee Participation PlanningImplementation & Operation Evaluation & Corrective Action Management Review Policy & Organization PlanningImplementation & Operation Checking & Corrective Action Leadership Review Occupational Health & Safety Policy PlanningImplementation & Operation Checking & Corrective Action Management Review ANSI Z10 BS OHSAS UAW-GM Safety System
Who publishes System Standards? OHSAS – Health & Safety Management OSHA's Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals; Explosives and Blasting Agents Standard (PSM), 29 CFR ANSI Z10 – Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems Company Specific Safety Systems What industries use Systems? Hazardous Materials Chemical Manufacturers Airline Industry Nuclear Industry Mining Industry Utilities - Power, Electrical, Gas, Oil Manufacturing PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENT Who uses Safety Systems?
UAW-GM Safety System Review Documents
UAW-GM Safety System Documents UAW-GM Safety System Vision Policy UAW-GM Safety System Standards Audit Performance Standards Audit Technical Standards Guidance Documents (non-mandatory) Site Documents (SOPs, Standardized Work, local policies, etc.)
UAW-GM Safety System Review Vision
Live Values that Return People Home Safely: Every Person, Every Site, Every Day Remembering, Safety IS THE OVERRIDING PRIORITY! UAW-GM Safety System Vision
UAW-GM Safety System Review EHS Policy
Global S&IH Policy * General Motors (GM) Company is proud of its long-standing commitment to protect human health and the environment…..We are committed to protecting the environment, our employees, contractors and visitors; establishing sound design, engineering, manufacturing and distribution practices that support compliance while minimizing negative environmental impacts; and driving aggressively toward the elimination of occupational injuries, illnesses, disabilities and fatalities. * S&H Highlights from Global Environmental, Hygiene, and Safety (EHS-01) Policy issued on October 3, 2013
UAW-GM Safety System Components Review General Requirements Component 1: Policy and Organization Component 2: Planning Component 3: Implementation and Operation Component 4: Checking and Corrective Action Component 5: Leadership Review
UAW-GM Safety System Standards UAW-GM Safety System Standards are the core UAW-GM Safety requirements Provides the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) method Six (6) Documents include: ‒ GR – General Requirements ‒ 1.0 – Policy & Organization ‒ 2.0 – Planning ‒ 3.0 – Implementation & Operation ‒ 4.0 – Checking & Corrective Action ‒ 5.0 – Leadership Review Provide a systematic approach that ties everything together in order to sustain improved performance year or year.
Guidance Documents (Not Mandatory) Audit Technical Standards Audit Performance Standards UAW-GM Safety System Standards Policy VISION Live Values that Return People Home Safely: Every Person, Every Site, Every Day Remembering, SAFETY IS THE OVERRIDING PRIORITY. 3.6: Contractor Management UAW-GM Contractor Safety Audit Performance Standard: Roles & Responsibilities, Job Site Safety Plan (Pre-Task Planning, Pre-qualification process, training & licenses, etc. UAW-GM Contractor Safety Audit Technical Standards: Scaffolding, excavation, special conditions such as lead & asbestos, fall control, rigging, site traffic control, etc. UAW-GM Contractor Safety Guidance Documents: Best Practices, SOT cards, examples of pre-task plans, etc. Construction Safety Example Site Documents General Motors (GM) Company is proud of its long-standing commitment to protect human health and the environment….. We are committed to protecting the environment, our employees, contractors and visitors; establishing sound design, engineering, manufacturing and distribution practices that support compliance while minimizing negative environmental impacts; and driving aggressively toward the elimination of occupational injuries, illnesses, disabilities and fatalities. Site documents: Contractor Orientation, local policies, forms, etc..
UAW-GM Safety System Review Audit Performance Standards
UAW-GM Audit Performance Standards UAW-GM Audit Performance Standards establish common requirements to manage specific hazards and significant risks common to GM Operations. Sites have flexibility in how they meet the requirements of the standards but those controls must be implemented. UAW-GM Audit Performance Standards do not replace local regulatory requirements but complement them – Sites must comply with both.
UAW-GM Audit Performance Standards Accident Reporting ProceduresHAZWOPERHazard Communication Program Health and Safety Training AsbestosLockout ProceduresPiping SystemsStairs and Ladders Bloodborne PathogensAerial Lifts and Elevating DevicesPlant Emergency PlanVehicle Preventative Maintenance Confined Space Entry Procedures Material Storage and StackingMedgatePosting ConveyorsPower Press OperationsPreventative Maintenance Process Walking and Working Surfaces Crane and Hoist InspectionMedical SurveillanceRail Car & Truck Dock Procedures Machine Guarding Elevator InspectionNoise ControlReview of TechnologyEmployee Safety Concern Process ErgonomicsOperator Instructions, ProceduresSanitationElectrical Safety Fall Hazard Control ProgramHand and Portable Power ToolsSling and Rigging Attachments SOT and Walk Around Inspection GrindingIndustrial Hygiene TechnicianWelding and Cutting
UAW-GM Safety System Review Audit Technical Standards
UAW-GM Audit Technical Standards UAW-GM Audit Technical Standards provide additional requirements for specific areas or topics of an Audit Performance Standard. Example: Performance Standard Physical Agents Assessment and Control Technical Standards Noise Control & Hearing Conservation Biological Control of Water Systems Blood borne Pathogens Laser Safety Heat Stress Management Hot Oven Entry Procedures Ionizing & Non-Ionizing Radiation
UAW-GM Safety System Review Guidance Documents
UAW-GM Guidance Documents Guidance documents provide support information to facilitate the implementation of the requirements included in the standards. They provide the “how”, including examples and good practices. Guidance documents may include procedures templates, risk assessment tools, training material, posters, signs, check-list, pictures, etc.
Site Documents All required site documents and records are up-to-date Site documents can include Safe Operating Practices (SOP), Standardized Work, Local Policies or Procedures These documents are a part of the UAW-GM Safety System and must be maintained
UAW-GM Safety System Components Basics General Requirements Component 1: Policy and Organization Component 2: Planning Component 3: Implementation and Operation Component 4: Checking and Corrective Action Component 5: Leadership Review
UAW-GM Safety System Standards General Requirements 1. Policy and Organization 1.1 – Health and Safety Policy Leadership Roles & Responsibilities 1.3 – Plant Safety Review Board Employee Safety Concern Process Employee Involvement 2. Planning Identification of H&S Regulatory Requirements and GM Standards 2.2 – H&S Hazards and Risks Critical Task Analysis 2.4 – H&S equipment 2.5 – H&S Improvement Plan 3. Implementation and Operation Training, Awareness and Competence Communication Control of Documents and Records 3.4 –Safe Operating Practices 3.5 – Management of Change 3.6 – Contractor Safety Emergency Preparedness and Response 4. Checking and Corrective Action Monitoring and Measurement Evaluation of Regulatory Compliance 4.3 –Incident Investigation Planned Inspections Corrective and Preventive Actions 4.6 – H&S Assessments 5. Leadership Review
Where we establish our H&S Vision, our intention is to improve H&S performance and define Leaders’ responsibility to demonstrate an active and aggressive commitment to H&S. What do we want to achieve in H&S? Component 1.0 Policy and Organization POLICY 1.1 Health and Safety Policy 1.2 Leadership Roles and Responsibilities 1.3 Plant Safety Review Board 1.4 Employee Safety Concern Process 1.5 Employee Involvement
Where we identify what is important. Planning is the process of effective hazard identification and risk assessment so that we prioritize our improvement activities. What are the right things to do to achieve our vision? Component 2.0 Planning 2.1 Identification of H&S Regulatory Requirements, UAW-GM Audit Performance Standards and UAW-GM Audit Technical Standards 2.2 H&S Hazards and Risks 2.3 Critical Task Analysis 2.4 Equipment Identification 2.5 H&S Improvement Plan PLAN Equipment
Where we act on the things we identified in the Planning section. How do we manage process to achieve our vision? 3.0 Implementation and Operation 3.1 Training Awareness and Competence 3.2 Communication 3.3 Control of Documents and Records 3.4 Safe Operating Practices 3.5 Management of Change 3.6 Contractor Management 3.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response IMPLEMENTATION
Where we ensure the individual Components of the UAW-GM Safety System are working properly. Are we managing the process effectively? 4.0 Checking and Corrective Action 4.1 Monitoring and Measurement 4.2 Evaluation of Regulatory Compliance 4.3 Incident Investigation 4.4 Planned Inspections 4.5 Corrective Action Plan 4.6 H&S Assessments CHECK & ACT
Where we apply continuous improvement to the whole process and ensure the entire UAW-GM Safety System works. Are we achieving our vision? 5.0 Leadership Review 5.1 Leadership Review LEADERSHIPREVIEW Site self assessments Compliance with applicable legal requirements Progress to objectives Status of corrective actions Major changes External communications Recommendations for improvement Topics:
2.2 –H&S Hazards and Risks Identification of CSs and hazards present Policy and Organization 1.2 – Leadership Roles and Resp. 2.1 Regulatory Requirements & UAW-GM Standards CS signs, Permits, Monitoring 2.5 –H&S Improvement Plan 3.2 – Communication Internal/External communications 3.5 –Emergency Preparedness CS Rescue activities 4.2 – Evaluation of Compliance 1.4 – Employee Safety Concern 2.3 – Critical Task Analysis Analysis of tasks to be conducted inside Confined Spaces 2.4 –Equipment Equipment needed to enter Confined Spaces 4.3 – Incident Investigation Analysis of CS Incidents PLANDOCHECKACT 3.1 – Training Train all people involved in CS Operations 1.3 – Safety Review Board 1.1 – S&IH Policy 5.1 – Leadership Review Improvement opportunities for CS management program 4.6 – EHS Assessments CS APS Self- Assessment 3.3 – Document Control CS Lists, Permits, Inspections 4.5 – Corrective Action Plans 4.4 – Planned Inspections CS SOP and critical equipment inspections 3.4 –Operating Practices CS SOPs 4. 1 – Monitoring & Measurement KPI CS Impl. plan Example: Confined Space Hazard 3.4 – Contractor Management Min. Req. For Contractors 3.4 – Management of Change Changes to people, processes, assets 1.5 – Employee Involvement
Review and understand the requirements outlined in the assigned standard(s) Facilitate and lead the implementation of requirements Check and monitor implementation effectiveness Conduct self-assessment(s) Provide feedback to include in H&S Improvement plan Review and update documents and records Component Champion Responsibilities
Recommended Element Champions UAW-GM Safety System ComponentChampion 4. Checking and Corrective Action Monitoring and Measurement Plant Manager* Evaluation of Regulatory Compliance LJHSC Incident Investigation Floor Operations Planned Inspections Floor Operations Corrective and Preventive Actions Quality Manager* S&H Assessments LJHSC 5. Leadership Review Plant Manager* UAW-GM System ComponentChampion 1. Policy and Organization Safety & Hygiene PolicyPlant Manager* Leadership Roles & ResponsibilitiesPersonnel Director* Safety Review BoardPlant Manager* Employee Safety Concern ProcessFloor Operations Employee InvolvementFloor Operations 2. Planning Identification of S&H Regulatory Requirements and GM Standards LJHSC S&H Hazards and RisksFloor Operations Critical Task AnalysisFloor Operations Critical S&IH EquipmentEngineering/ Maintenance* S&H Improvement PlanPlant Manager* 3. Implementation and Operation Training, Awareness and CompetencePersonnel Director* CommunicationPlant Communications* Control of Documents and RecordsGMS Lead* 3.4 – S&IH Safe Operating PracticesFloor Operations 3.5 – Management of ChangeEngineering* 3.6 – Contractor SafetyFAM* Emergency Preparedness and ResponseSecurity Chief* *Or site, regional, or contract equivalent
Ultimately responsible for UAW-GM Safety System implementation. Ensure availability of resources. Appoint site leaders as UAW-GM Safety System Component Owners to facilitate the implementation of requirements. Lead and facilitate the implementation of the UAW-GM Safety System Components Implement UAW-GM Safety System requirements Act as Subject Matter Expert (SME) for UAW-GM Safety System Joint Leadership (Key 4) UAW-GM Safety Component Owner APS Champion Roles & Responsibility
UAW-GM Safety System Gap Analysis/ Self-Assessment Process
Purpose of Gap Analysis(2015)/Safety System Self-AssessmentsPurpose of Gap Analysis(2015)/Safety System Self-Assessments Identify and close gaps with UAW-GM Safety System requirements in order to drive continuous improvement Goal for all GM manufacturing sites Conduct a UAW-GM Safety System self-assessment, identify gaps and develop an H&S Improvement Plan to be executed during UAW-GM Safety System Self-Assessment Process
Self-Assessment Tool (Sample)
UAW-GM Safety System Implementation Roadmap: Remember this is a Journey
Implementation Roadmap New Orleans Presentation Sub-Council (Lentz & Glass) UAW-GM Safety System Rollout Overview Joint Leadership appoint UAW-GM Safety System Component Champions Gap Analysis (2/11/15), prioritize top 1/3 (3/31/15), & create a gap closure plan(03/31/15) Q Audit Performance Standard (APS) Training UAW-GM Safety System Training Joint Leadership appoint APS Component Champions Q2 Q3 Creation of remaining APS documents (CHR) Perform remaining APS Self-Assessments (Plant) Prepare for the UAW-GM Self-Assessment (Plant) Q4 UAW-GM Safety Audit findings & create a gap closure plan(Plant)