Faith trusts God’s power to forgive sinners Redeemer Lutheran Church Sunday, June 12 th 2016
Welcome to Redeemer! We gather in faith once again to celebrate the great love and mercy of God. Today we consider our need for forgiveness from sin, and rejoice in the grace of God that gives it to us freely and fully.
Young Worshipers There are children’s bulletins coloring pages & quiet bags with crayons and books available in the back of church for our young worshipers.
Children's Message Each week, our younger worshipers are invited to the front of church before the sermon hymn to hear a special message for them from Pastor Wolfe.
Need to Know What’s Going On? Our church website has the info you need right at your fingertips Check the church calendar Get access to sermons And much more
2016 VBS Aug 1 st – 5th Bible Stories Crafts Games Snacks Music Volunteer sign-up sheets at church
“Forward in Christ” Monthly news magazine of the WELS Sign up in the back of church to renew or begin a subscription Only $11 for a full year (send payment directly to the church office)
Bible Information Class
Prayer Before Worship Father in heaven, we thank you that you do not treat us as our sins deserve. By your grace alone we come to you as children to loving Father. Accept our prayers and praise today for the sake of Jesus, who lived and died to redeem us and reconcile us to you. Give us faith and trust to give you glory. Amen
Installation For Pastor Tom Moldenhauer, the new pastor at Our Saviour’s June 26 th at 4pm
Mission of the Month May & June Martin Luther College
Teen Social Night Redeemer Teens 7 th – 12 th grades Saturday, June 18 th Harmon Lake 6pm – 8pm Saturday, July 30 th International Peace Garden
Amazon Smile Do you shop at Help support our church! Simply go to and designate our church as your chosen charity. If you have questions, talk to Pastor Wolfe.
Cheer our Volleyball Team
July 4 th Parade You can help: –Ideas –Decorating –Participating in the parade –Supplies Please talk to Pastor Wolfe