Description Food Family Problem Solutions Where I got my info. Click on each slide for animation. Habitat
The Swift fox is brown, gray, orange. They are very small about the smallest American wild dogs. The adult weighs 2-3 kilograms. Also a size of a house cat. They run 50 km per hour
The swift fox live in the great planes of North America. They also live in the desert opens. You could only find them there. Click here
The swift fox eats chicken, grass and grains. The fox gets it’s food by leaping on it’s prey. Tit goes back the the den. hen Chicken Click here
The family members are called kits. The female has two-eight kits. They are born in the den mid-day. Also they are born in the middle of May. They can also be born between January and March. Click here
The swift fox is endangered from trapping it and moving it to a different hunted and belted. There are 90 % they estimated that there is onl300 swift fox in Canada. Oooooooo it’s a trap! Click here
The zoo people put the swift fox in captivity. They help save the habitat so they can live. They need these four things space, water, food and shelter. If they don’t have that then they can die. The loggers try not to cut down a lot of trees because animals also need homes. Jail Click here
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