The Ministry of Jesus
Kingdom of god Jesus teaches the Kingdom of God while he is on earth. The Kingdom of God is a state in which the world operates according to God’s desires rather than human desires. A completed Kingdom of God would be heaven (perfection).
Dimensions to the KOG past: Jesus begins the KOG with his teaching and actions, revealing what the KOG looks like. Present: The KOG is both already here and not yet here. In the present, whenever we act in accordance with Jesus’ teachings and actions, we make the KOG more present. Future: When Jesus comes again, the KOG will be perfected.
Skit Activity- What do Jesus’ Actions Reveal Each group will receive a passage from the gospels. You must read it carefully, then create a skit that portrays your scene. You may update your story to a modern context, do a creative take on it, or leave it as it is.
Stories The woman caught in adultery (John 7:53-8:11) Gerasene demoniac (Mark 5: 1-20) The Official’s Daughter and the Woman with the Hemorrhage (Mark 5: 21-43) Feeding of the 5000 (Matthew 14: 13-21) The Healing of the Paralytic (Matthew 9: 1-7) Raising of Lazarus (John 11: 1-44)
Jesus’ Actions Jesus’ actions reveal who he is and what he has come to do Healing Feeding Exorcism (driving out demons) Raising from the dead Exercising compassion and mercy
Healing Jesus heals tons of people in the gospels (the blind, the deaf, the mute, the lame, lepers, bleeding people, hunched over people, sick people, ect.) Jesus brings healing (physical, emotional, etc). Jesus desires wholeness for all In the Kingdom of God = no suffering
Feeding Miracles Jesus brings fullness of life to all There is no hunger or emptiness in the Kingdom of God Jesus desires every person to have all that they need
Exorcisms Jesus drives out many demons Jesus has come to drive out demons Shows us that Jesus is stronger than the forces of evil and drives evil out wherever he goes
Raising the Dead Jesus comes to bring life Jesus has power over death There is no death in the Kingdom of God
Jesus shows compassion and mercy Jesus seeks to forgive all Rather than harsh judgment and the desire to exclude, the KOG is mercy and compassion, with the desire to include as many people as possible. No one is outside of the KOG just because of bad decisions. Forgiveness is always present.
Conclusion The Kingdom of God includes: Healing (Jesus heals) No evil (Jesus drives it out)The KOG is ALL Good Fullness (Jesus gives people all they need) Life (Jesus conquers death) Mercy and Forgiveness
Jesus Teachings & the Kingdom of God (KOG) Each group will get a teaching of Jesus. Decide what the central teaching of Jesus is. When your group presents, one person will write this on the board. You must then explain your teaching. Then, either give examples of ways your teaching can be applied to the real world, or create a skit that illustrates an example.
Teachings: Luke 6:27-36-Love Mark 12: Love Mark 2: Inclusivity and Hope Luke 6:37-42: --On Judging Matthew 19: The Rich Man Luke 15:11-32: Parable of the Lost Son
Jesus Teaches: Love of Neighbor and Enemy It's easy to love people who love you. It’s hard to love those you dislike Jesus expects people to love each other regardless of whether or not they choose to act in a good manner Love is a powerful force and can change people. It is easy to hate hate, but it is hard to hate love. Jesus expects us to break the cycle of evil by confronting evil with love, not more evil. Examples? At the center of Jesus’ teaching is the command to love without discrimination and without ceasing.
Inclusivity and Hope Jesus includes those society excludes For Jesus, no one is outside the realm of salvation You must give people a chance for redemption Examples?
Do not judge Recognizes that humans are quick to judge and to judge harshly Examples? Jesus points out to you that you are not perfect either, and that your own imperfections can blind you. Once you have worked through your own sinfulness, you will be infinitely more compassionate, and then maybe you are ready to help others.
the rich man Wealth does not matter to God Following Jesus matters above all else = acquiring or protecting possessions should not be primary concern Obviously, people need some possessions, food, warmth to live fully. These should not be our primary concern.
god never gives up God only desires that you accept God’s love which is constantly offered. God has no desire for judgment or punishment or “I told you so.” You may squander every gift God gives you, but when you come back, changed, God simply accepts you. Clearly, this is not like us. We struggle to forgive and to accept. God does not. We need not worry with God.