Exit REMOTE POWER SYSTEM ”Turning your copper into gold”
ExitHome Eltek 2 What? Powering remote electronics utilizing the existing copper network Also known as ‘span power’ or ‘line power’ Powering a broadband/xDSL network Increased bandwidth requires active components (DSLAM) closer to the end user Solutions for power distributions required
ExitHome Eltek 3 What? CO site with excisting 48Vdc sytem and battery backup Typical distance to remote DSLAM site is 5 to 10km
ExitHome Eltek 4 Why? CAPEX & OPEX reductions Utilize the existing infrastructure Copper network, X-connects, etc. Eliminate the requirement for batteries and local power utilities Reduces the size of the DSLAM significantly Battery maintenance eliminated Increased speed of xDSL roll-out
ExitHome Eltek 5 How? RFT: Remote feeding telecommunication circuit Power limitation: 100W per channel/circuit RFT-C circuits: Current limited to 60 mA, maximum 1667V (100VA) normally limited to 800V RFT-V circuits: Voltage limited to 200Vdc referred ground OVS and ground leakage current detection
ExitHome Eltek 6 How? Block schematics based on Eltek products
Exit Modules System Solutions Flatpack DC/DC Converter 48/190 Flatpack VA Limiter Remote End Converter Flatpack RPS Integrated
ExitHome Eltek 8 Flatpack DC/DC Converter Input: 48Vdc (40-60Vdc) Output: 190Vdc of 1250W Reliable ”Flatpack” technology Digital current sharing Short circuit proof High temp protection Over voltage shutdown Part no.: Flatpack VA LimiterVA Limiter Input: ±190Vdc Output: ±190Vdc 12 Channels (RFT-V Circuits) of 100W (250mA) Current limiters Overvoltage protection Ground leakage current protection h MTBF per channel Part no.: Central Office modules CE, UL and NEBS approvals IEC/UL (”remote powering safety standard”)
ExitHome Eltek 9 Remote End Converter 5 separate DC/DC converters Primary surge protection integrated Input voltage: 190V-380V Output voltage: 48V Output power: up to 380W depending on site layout (typically 250W) Flexible mounting, eats no space in DSLAM rack Part no:
ExitHome Eltek 10 Flatpack RPS 2U Integrated 2U Integrated 2 DC/DC Converters 2 VA Limiters 24 output channels (RFT-V Circuits) Single or dual feed 19”/23” mounting Part no: CF
ExitHome Eltek 11 Flatpack RPS – building block 6U Integrated (building block) For larger cabinet solutions and expandable systems Up to 6 DC/DC Converters Up to 6 VA limiters Up to 72 output channels 48Vdc feed configurable on site 1 x 250A 3 x 100A 6 x 50A
Exit Site installation System dimensioning
ExitHome Eltek 13 Safety Crossover between telecom and power Above 60V SELV level Important Qualification & identification of twisted pairs Training of installation and maintenance people Follow Eltek installation manuals (including the advanced configuration tool)
ExitHome Eltek 14 System dimension Stability criteria's The power consumption has to be less than the power available Ohms Law is applicable! Minimum voltage in the Remote End is half the central Office voltage for stable operation Too high line impedance will result in decreasing output power for increasing current Optimizing power transfer distance More power? Add more channels Longer distance? Add more pairs in parallel Wire gauge Affect the line resistance, hence the transfer length
ExitHome Eltek 15 Configuration tool General examples
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ExitHome Eltek 17 VA Limiter I+ CURRENT SENSE I- CURRENT SENSE On/Off switch Over load detection Ground leakage current detect Over load detection Over voltage protection Secondary protection; gas discharge tube +190V input from dc/dc converters -190V input from dc/dc converters Current limiters for lightning and AC power fault protection