Making trouble-free corpus tasks in 10 minutes Jennie Wright
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Match the terms on the left with the definitions on the right 1. Corpus / corpora (plural) a) A common option for displaying results where the search term (a word or phrase) is presented in the centre of each concordance line. 2. Concordance linesb) Electronic multi-million word collections of real-world examples of language to be analysed and exploited by researchers, teachers and learners. 3. KWIC (Key Word In Context) c) The process of marking, classifying or assigning a word as a particular part of speech, e.g. noun, verb, adjective, etc. 4. POS tagging / grammatical tagging d) Multiple rows with examples of the target word/phrase. Answers: 1.b 2.d 3.a 4.c
Access COCA
Concordance Lines “English teacher”
What’s Missing?
Collocation Gamble
Colour-code me!
TIPS 1. Train 2. Imperfections 3. Choose wisely 4. What’s the problem? 5. Online or offline?
Resources The ultimate guide to freely available corpora: html The most popular corpora: The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA): Guides for using corpora: COCA Bites: LOTS MORE ON YOUR HANDOUT!
Jennie Wright