1.- Would you agree to marry someone that was imposed by someone else and have kids? 2.- Who has to decide when someone is ready to get married? 3.- When do you think someone is ready to form a family? 4.- What are the main characteristics that must exist inside a marriage in order for it to be succesful?
1. What do you understand by Sexual Health? 2. What kind of contraceptives do you know? 3. What do you think about unwanted pregnancies? SEXUAL HEALTH: It´s a physical, mental and social condition that implies that people should have a satisfactory and safe sexual life. Freedom to have kids.
Sexuality Biological Aspects Sex Social & Cultural Aspects Values, believes and expectations Psychological Aspects Emotions and Thoughts
The way of thinking, wanting, loving, feeling and relate to people are connected to their sexual health.
Motherhood and Fatherhood Are you ready for it? What are the consequences of it? Unwanted pregnancy!! What are my options? OptionsAdvantagesDisadvantages
Drugs: Chemical sustances that modifies behaviors or function and it can result in damage to a person´s health. Drugs Possible Effects. NarcoticsEuphoria, drowsiness, respiratory depression, constricted pupils, nausea. DepressantsSlurred speech, disorientation, drunken behavior without odor of alcohol. StimulantsIncreased alertness, excitation, aggression, euphoria, increased pulse rate, etc. HallucinogensIllusions and hallucinations, poor perception of time and distance, nausea, vomiting.
Physical Addiction: causes a change in the body´s chemisry so that without the presence of a substance (drug), normal functioning begins to fail. HOMEWORK TypeSustanceUses Hallucinogens Narcotics Depressants Stimulants
It is a problem that affects everyone inside a society.