BIGGER AMBITIONS: Lessons From America Doug Heckman
Bigger Ambitions: Lessons From America
Introductions Walla Walla Community College: An Economic Development Focus Monroe Community College: Narrowing the Skills Gap Q&A Agenda
Outcome Goals Process Attract and develop a talented workforce Increase private and public sector investment Improve infrastructure Promote innovation and entrepreneurship Promote applied research and technology transfer Increase exports Retain and create jobs Improve wage and benefit levels The Problems Stagnant job growth Weak industrial outlook
Conventional Wisdom Economic prosperity Workforce talent leads to jobs and higher productivity Economy creates jobs, then Higher Education develops talent
7 Drivers of Economic Development TALENT Increase Educational Attainment Import Talent _____________________________ Labor Market Studies Cohort Tracking Skills Analysis Marketing
8 Drivers of Economic Development TALENT Increase Educational Attainment Import Talent _____________________________ Labor Market Studies Cohort Tracking Skills Analysis Marketing INVESTMENT Public Investment Private Investment ___________________________ Economic Impact Studies
9 Drivers of Economic Development TALENT Increase Educational Attainment Import Talent _____________________________ Labor Market Studies Cohort Tracking Skills Analysis Marketing INVESTMENT Public Investment Private Investment ___________________________ Economic Impact Studies Information Energy Transportation Water Regulations Tax Policy INFRASTRUCTURE ____________________________ _ Cluster Studies Labor Market Studies
10 Wine/Food/Art
11 WWCC Center for Enology & Viticulture Center of Innovation for the Wine Industry 2006 Governor’s Workforce and Economic Development Best Practice Award
12 Wine Country Culinary Institute
13 Wine/Food/Art/Business Development
Port of Walla Walla Wine Incubators
Clarkston Workforce and Business Development Center
Water & Environmental Center
“America’s economy today feels as sleepy as Walla Walla’s two decades ago. Middle- class workers were slammed by the financial crisis, their jobs disappearing, wages stagnating, and future uncertain. To put them back to work, the nation would do well to consider Walla Walla, which seems to have cracked the code on how to get mid- skill workers back into the labor force while revitalizing an economy. - National Journal, June 1, 2012
Machine Shops Industry Report
Program Specific Analysis Economic impact in closing Regional Skills Gaps
“The thing that I want to stress is that this is not a project; this a programmatic approach. We are getting results and we are going to be in a default leadership position for having the most knowledge around the local workforce with actual significant data.” — Todd Oldham, Monroe Community College
Thank You Doug Heckman