Geant4-based detector simulation activities at NICADD Guilherme Lima for the NICADD simulations group December 2003
2 Detector Simulations and Algorithm Developments Support the detector design activities at NICADD Develop useful tools for the whole LCD collaboration Detector simulation, detector geometry representation, object persistency, jet reconstruction and particle flow algorithms Current detector simulation projects: LCDG4, TestBeam, TestStand Dhiman Chakraborty (simulations coordinator), Guilherme Lima, Jeremy McCormick, Vishnu Zutshi
December Detector geometries in LCDG4 Some versions under study SD detector LD detector PD detector Detector components VXD (vertex detector) Tracker EM calorimeter Hadronic calorimeter Luminosity detector Solenoid coil Muon system SDJan03
December Options under study: SD, LD, PD
December A Digital Hadronic Calorimeter?
December Simulation of a digital HCal High segmentation for better energy resolution: one bit (digital) or two bits (semidigital) per cell Questions to be addressed Cell shapes (squares, rectangles, hexagons) Cell dimensions (digital calorimeter) Projective vs. non-projective calorimeters Sampling fractions (number of layers, active to absorber ratios) Cost / performance optimization
December XML detector description
December Projective vs. Non-projective An important parameter to be studied at the earlier stages of the design ProjectiveNon-projective
December e + e - → Z → + - (SDJan03)
December e + e - → tt event (SDJan03)
December e + e - → Z → qq event (SDJan03)
December Same as HCal 1.5 x * 10.5 cm = 63 cm Tail Catcher -max 1.5 x cm Total Materials X x Y dim. (m) No. Layers * thickness = total thickness Component Stainless Steel, Polystyrene 1 x 1 50 * 2.5 cm = 125 cm HCal W, G10, Si, Cu, Air 1 x 1 30 * 5 mm = 15 cm ECal Test Beam Simulation
December Test Beam Simulations Total # cells = 300, ,
December Test Beam EM Calorimeter Front ViewSide View ~6 cm 1 m
December Test Beam Hadronic Calorimeter 1 m 1.25 m
December Test Beam Tail Catcher Front (Hor) Front (Vert) Side Front (transparent) 1.5 m 63 cm
December A test beam event display Inner Cal. Angled View
December Test beam event display
December Test stand simulation
December NICADD simulation status Detailed comparisons between LCDG4 and Mokka are in good satisfactory Only cylinders and disks supported by current LCDG4 version More realistic geometries to be implemented in the mid-term MC physics samples are being generated for algorithm development and studies For more information please check: