Status Report of Tile Calorimeter at Korea Calorimeter meeting 2005/6/13 Youngdo Oh Kyungpook National University
Current Status Sintillator At first stage, the polystyrene bar was produced without PPO, POPOP Light yield was measured of MINOS tiles as reference Simulation Ghost study has started. we will use scintillator bar as TOF to identify hit position
First Batch from Misung chemical At first, We try to produce polystyrene bar without PPO and POPOP to make sure the chemical and mechanical process. TiO 2 was coextruded to make reflector. At 2005/5/17, Misung launched extrusion for scintillator The first product had big groove die had minor problem At 2005/6/9, the excellent bars were produced. Evolution
Without TiO 2
MINOS Tiles as reference sample Length : 20cm Width : 4cm Depth : 1cm Sintillator + WLS fiber + Al. foil 9 samples ready
Scintillator test setup Typical cosmic ray from MINOS tile + WLS FAN IN-OUT Logic unit Gate Generator 100 ns Delay VME readout Disc
Cosmic ray 90 Sr source Amp : NIM, CAEN N412 x100 Readout : VME, CAEN QDC V792 Gate width: 100ns Typical distribution of ADC counts Pedestal Source Peak Pedestal Cosmic Peak
Comparision of Light Yield between 90 Sr and Cosmic ray Cosmic ray 90 Sr Average of 90 Sr
Ghost Study Basic idea SiPM ’ s timing resolution : ~30ps it ’ s enough to use 20cm bar as TOF Is it possible to use this to reject ghost ?? SiPM Scintillator ……………………
Ghost Study Basic idea SiPM ’ s timing resolution : ~30ps it ’ s enough to use 20cm bar as TOF Is it possible to use this to reject ghost ?? SiPM Scintillator ……………………
Simulation Process ADC, TDC of PMT or SiPM
Simulation of photon in Scintillator We need to include optical photon algorithm in the code 20 cm 1 cm 5 cm
Summary and Plan Light yield measued for sample MINOS tiles as reference First Polystyrene bar produced without PPO and POPOP The mechanical process is established This week, the real scintillator bar will be produced, which is mixed up with PPO and POPOP Light yield of new scintillator will be measured and compared with the MINOS tiles ’ s light yield The variation of light yield will be tested The results will be shown at ACFA conference. - Scintillator status and light yield results - Timing simulation if we get results As second phase, the 3mm scintillator will be produced.