Language Arts 5 Mrs. Deller
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” O Sermon written by Jonathon Edwards in 1741 O Explores Puritanical beliefs about life, death, and religion. O Reveals ideas passed down in contemporary American society today. O e.g. American Work Ethic O Strong use of figurative language, particularly simile and metaphor.
The Bill of Rights O First ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution O Defines our personal rights as American citizens O Explains individual rights in relation to the government
The Crucible O Four-act play set during the Salem witch trials. O Written by Arthur Miller O Written as an allegory for McCarthyism in the 1950s and America’s paranoia over communism. O Addresses issues of reputation, personal responsibility, truth, and justice.
Transcendentalism O Essays supporting individualism, nonconformity, and inner truth. O Focus on the outdoors and the natural world. O Purely American philosophy of the power of the individual to change society.
Mark Twain O American humorist and writer O Writings reflect American culture and ideas while also pointing out hypocrisy and irony.
ACT Preparation O Reading Strategies O Writing Practice (1 ACT-style essay per marking period) O Word Study O Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words O Academic vocabulary O Grammar O Tenses O Subject/Verb Agreement O Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement O Superlatives/Comparatives O Sentence combining O Commas and coordinating conjunctions O Semicolon and colon use
Sustained Silent Reading (SSR+) O Two novels of your choice O In-class reading time (at least twice a week) O Reflections/Metacognitive Logs/Individual responses to a variety of writing prompts O Group discussions of novels O Final in-class essay or book project on your novels
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