Answer as many as possible: What is the deal with Procter and Abigail? What motivations did different people have for going to the woods with Tituba to “dance”? What details do we have about the political world of Salem?
Turn in any Do Nows to US MAIL BIN Clear your desk of all items except: Any notes you have over “The Crucible” A blank sheet of loose leaf (no teeth) Upper left corner: Name, Date, Period Pen/Pencil Research Essay Follow these instructions exactly.
Find a partner who has an essay here today. Exchange essays Read the essay once all the way through Get a “Peer Editing Checklist” handout Follow the instructions on the handout to edit your partner’s essay. You must peer edit once. But Extra Credit if you get more than one done today
Now that people have started naming their neighbors as witches, make some predictions about what might happen in Act II, knowing what we know from Act I.
What has happened in Salem during the past 8 days? Describe what we learn from Elizabeth and Mary Warren about what is going on in the town.
Answer as many as you know: weren’t here? Start reading Who has been “mentioned” at court? What is Hale doing at the Procter’s house? What insight does this action give us about his personality? Describe what is different about Mary Warren in this Act. HW: FINISH ACT II. RESEARCH ESSAY and READING CHECK TUESDAY!!!