Essential Question How can I answer a Paper 2/3 question on the IB exam Learning Outcomes - Students will: ◦ See the difference between Paper 1, 2 and 3 ◦ Review command and clarifying terms ◦ Compare the rubric with my breakdown of the question Success Criteria I can show my understanding of the Demands of the question
Paper 1 – Question 4Paper 2/3 Sources are provided ◦ Sources and Own Knowledge Less time ◦ (20-30 minutes) Very limited structure ◦ Thesis only ◦ Sources and own knowledge used together Less in-depth No sources provided ◦ All Own Knowledge More time ◦ (45 minutes per essay) Structured Essay ◦ Introduction - Thesis ◦ Main Body ◦ Conclusion – restate thesis Much more in depth ◦ Requires a large amount of own knowledge Paper 1 - Example Question: Using the sources and your own knowledge, assess the reasons why the League of Nations’ policy of collective security was difficult to apply in the Abyssinian Crisis. Paper 1 - Example Question: Using the sources and your own knowledge, assess the reasons why the League of Nations’ policy of collective security was difficult to apply in the Abyssinian Crisis. Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. Paper 3 - Example Question: Analyze the weaknesses and collapse of democracy between 1918 and 1939 in either Italy or Spain. Paper 3 - Example Question: Analyze the weaknesses and collapse of democracy between 1918 and 1939 in either Italy or Spain.
Both require an understanding of the Command and Clarifying Terms ◦ Require you to breakdown the question Both require a strong outline to be successful ◦ More important for Paper 2/3 however Paper 1 - Example Question: Using the sources and your own knowledge, assess the reasons why the League of Nations’ policy of collective security was difficult to apply in the Abyssinian Crisis. Paper 1 - Example Question: Using the sources and your own knowledge, assess the reasons why the League of Nations’ policy of collective security was difficult to apply in the Abyssinian Crisis. Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. Paper 3 - Example Question: Analyze the weaknesses and collapse of democracy between 1918 and 1939 in either Italy or Spain. Paper 3 - Example Question: Analyze the weaknesses and collapse of democracy between 1918 and 1939 in either Italy or Spain.
You broke down the question, following the clarifying terms You broke down the question correctly, but don’t always follow the command term You went outside the clarification terms, such as dates or topic You present all aspects of the question, including the command term. You challenge the wording of the question You present all aspects of the question, including the command term. You challenge the wording of the question You present a balanced argument following the command term
Break down the question Command Term ◦ Analyze – What does this mean? Pg. 7 Clarifying terms ◦ Circumstances that helped ◦ Right-wing leader ◦ Single-party state Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. Doing this correctly will get you here Your outline determines if you get here or higher
Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. You kind of analyzed the question, showing you somewhat understand the term You successfully analyzed the term, presenting various perspectives This changes from question to question In this case, you could question whether Nazi-Germany was really a single party state or if he really was right-wing This changes from question to question In this case, you could question whether Nazi-Germany was really a single party state or if he really was right-wing
Task ◦ Create an outline for this question for one right-wing leader we have studied Hitler Mussolini ◦ We will look at this next lesson regarding the use of knowledge Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state.
Essential Question How can I answer a Paper 2/3 question on the IB exam Learning Outcomes - Students will: ◦ Review – Outline Facts ◦ Learn about the use of knowledge in Paper 2 ◦ Mark other Paper 2 for use of knowledge Success Criteria I can revise my outline to improve the facts I use
Let’s look at the outline you created last class ◦ Discuss with your partner what facts you included ◦ Why did you choose these ones? ◦ Are these the best ones? How do you know if they are strong or not? Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state.
You present info, but it sounds like a textbook Some information is relevant and strong You present info, but it sounds like a textbook Some information is relevant and strong Presents more of an argument 90% info is correct, relevant and strong Presents more of an argument 90% info is correct, relevant and strong Little amount of info and not strong Analyzes the evidence, supporting a specific argument All info is specific, relevant and strong Analyzes the evidence, supporting a specific argument All info is specific, relevant and strong Analyzes the evidence, presenting an argument All the info presented is relevant strong Analyzes the evidence, presenting an argument All the info presented is relevant strong
WWe are going to mark 2 Paper 2 questions, looking only at the Use of Knowledge QQuestion – Review our Question breakdown ◦P◦Pg. 43 ◦P◦Pg. 46 Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single- party state. Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single- party state.
How do I prepare for this? ◦ You have to know your stuff!!!! How? ◦ Keeping up with your notes and readings ◦ Reviewing your notes ◦ Practice How not? ◦ Just read your notes ◦ Only review the night before ◦ The day before, tell the teacher I don’t understand
Look at the outline you completed last time ◦ What types of facts do you have? Only numbers? Quotes? Primary sources? Lessons AND textbook? ◦ Is every fact you have relevant? Did you just write everything you knew? Does it match your thesis? Do you have a thesis? Add to your outline to make it more focused
Essential Question How can I answer a Paper 2/3 question on the IB exam Learning Outcomes - Students will: ◦ Learn the definition of context ◦ Find an example of context in a Paper 2 essay ◦ Make changes to your outline Success Criteria I can revise my outline to include context
What does historical context mean? ◦ The setting for the event and the relevance it has on an event ◦ Outside factors that impact the event "Sally hid her hands behind her back and crossed her fingers before she answered.” ◦ In 2016, what does this mean? ◦ In 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts, during the witch trials, a lie was considered a form of witch craft and would be killed
You mention the effect of outside events Outside events are considered, such as using a compare/contrast with another country You mention others things that go on, but it is not really talked about Outside events are expertly discussed, such as presenting a running compare and contrast Outside events are strongly discussed, such as using a compare/contrast with another country
Find examples of context ◦ How outside factors influence the situation Question – Read Pg. 46 ◦ Find the example of context ◦ What score would you give this? To help with your essay, what outside factors does this student discuss Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state.
Look at your outline ◦ Did you only talk about Hitler or did you mention outside factors? Loss of WW1 Depression Political system in Weimar Germany ◦ Is the info you included related or did you just throw it in without explaining its relevance? Read the markers comments at the bottom to help improve your outline Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. In 2 weeks, You will write a Paper 2 essay in class. You will be able to bring your outline only
Essential Question How can I answer a Paper 2/3 question on the IB exam Learning Outcomes - Students will: ◦ Review how an essay is structured ◦ Learn about the Evaluation of Approaches ◦ Find an example of structure & evaluation of approaches in a Paper 2 essay ◦ Make changes to your outline Success Criteria I can revise my outline to include historians
First Paragraph – Intro ◦ What do you write here? ◦ What is a thesis? ◦ Where does the Thesis go? Middle Paragraphs – Main Body ◦ What is the first sentence of the paragraph called? ◦ What is the last sentence called? Last Paragraph – Conclusion ◦ What do you write here? ◦ Where does the thesis go?
The essay is structured (Intro, Main Body, Conclusion) The essay is structured correctly, mostly including topic and concluding sentences The essay is somewhat structured All elements of a well-structured are present, including the Body paragraphs related specifically to the question and no excess info is present All elements of a well-structured essay are present
You mention historians/historiography (Intentionalist, Struturalist, etc…), but is does not help your argument You mention historians/historiography, which clearly supports your thesis and strengthens your argument You mention historians/historiography, which somewhat helps your thesis
Question – Read Pg. 46 Structure ◦ Into What is discussed Where is the thesis? ◦ Middle Paragraphs Do they always have a topic sentence? Concluding Sentence? How are the paragraphs organized Chronological or Thematic? ◦ Conclusion What is discussed? Where is the thesis? Evaluation of Approaches ◦ Are historians mentioned? ◦ Do they help their thesis?
Look at your outline Structure ◦ After completing your outline, do you have a thesis? ◦ How will you organize your essay? Main Body 1? MB 2? Evaluation of Approaches ◦ Did you include a Historian? ◦ Does it help your argument? Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. Paper 2 - Example Question: Analyze the circumstances that helped one right-wing leader to become the ruler of a single-party state. Next Wednesday, You will write a Paper 2 essay in class. You will be able to bring your outline only Everything Hitler Paper 2 Test – Wednesday, March 23 Everything Hitler Paper 2 Test – Wednesday, March 23