Zinc BY: Casey Early
General Information Atomic number: 30 Atomic mass: 65.39 Symbol: Zn Protons: 30 Electrons: 30 Neutrons: 35 Family: Transition Metals Melting: 787.2°F
Who discovered me? Andreas Marggraf It was identified as an element in 1746. Name Origin: From the German word zin (meaning tin) Obtained From: zinc blende, calamine
Roles Zinc take Zinc is an essential mineral that keeps the body's enzymes activated. 17% of zinc is used in producing brass and bronze. 17% percent is used in die-casting 66% of zinc goes to creating roofing materials, or into chemical compounds such as zinc oxide. Zinc oxide helps prevent corrosion.
Food that contains zinc If you don't get enough zinc, it can slow the rate at which hair grows. I can also lead to hair loss and cause red, flaky skin
Physical Features the metal is blueish-white brittle at ambient temperatures becomes malleable between 212 and 320 degrees Fahrenheit Becomes brittle again at 410 Fahrenheit
“Friends” zinc may combine in a one to one ratio with: oxygen, sulfur, selenium, or tellurium one to two ratio: fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, or astatine two to one ratio: carbon, or silicon these are the simpler molecules zinc forms, more complex molecules would include boron(-5), nitrogen, phosphorus, or arsenic(-3)
Common Compounds Zinc Sulphate ZnSO4 Zinc Borate 3ZnO.2B2O3 Zn(C18H35O2)2 Zinc Sulphate ZnSO4 Zinc Borate 3ZnO.2B2O3 Zinc Chloride ZnCl2 Zinc Carbonate ZnCO3 Zinc Oxide ZnO
Dislikes Zinc does not combine with any of the noble gases
Isotopes Isotope Half Life Zn-62 9.26 hours Zn-63 38.5 minutes Zn-64 Stable Zn-65 243.8 days Zn-66 Stable Zn-67 Stable Zn-68 Stable Zn-69m 13.76 hours Zn-70 Stable Zn-72 46.5 hours
Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5MzIt0DY-w
Refrence http://www.niton.com/docs/literature/infographic_zinc3.pdf?sfvrsn=2 http://environmentalchemistry.com/yogi/periodic/Zn-compounds.html http://www.rsc.org/periodic-table/element/30/zinc http://www.dawgsdk.org/crystal/fcv200.swf www.chemistryexplained.com/elements/T-Z/Zinc.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/glamour/want-gorgeous-skin-and-ha_b_8154576.html