Running Start Option: Is This the Right Program for Me?
Running start: a program for high school juniors and seniors to attend college courses and earn college credit while still in high school. The credits you earn apply toward your high school diploma as well as your two-year or four-year degree. The classes offered are tuition free. Books, supplies, lab fees, and transportation are the responsibility of the student. The average cost for books is $ per quarter. Credits from the community college are transferable to all other Washington State public 2-year or 4-year colleges and universities. Transfers to private and out-of-state colleges cannot be guaranteed. Ask DTA advising. What is Running Start?
A great way to stay connected to the high school and take advantage of earning college credit is to combine our college in the high school classes with running start. This works the best with Olympic College because of proximity, but can be worked out with SPSCC. SPSCC is a great way for students to start to branch out of Shelton and find even more autonomy. College Credit… already?
Career and Technical Classes Examples: Computer Applications American Sign Language Drafting classes Automotive classes Engineering Many others Other way to earn college credit? Tech Prep
AP courses are designed to help you take and pass AP tests. Many(most) colleges will accept AP test credit when you take and pass AP tests at their determined levels. You are responsible for checking with the university as to how the translate AP scores into credit. SHS offers AP courses in World History, US History, Government, and Biology currently. Another Alternative
STRENGTHS: Students may take courses not offered at their local high school. Students experience college education while in high school. This makes the transition to leaving home for a college/university an easier one. Academically qualified students may take advanced level courses. Students can earn up to two years of tuition-free college credit, getting a head start at college. Considerations
LIMITATIONS: Parents must take into consideration their student’s maturity level. Students will be in college classes and treated like college students. They will be completely responsible for themselves. Scheduling of college classes may conflict with high school classes or extracurricular activities. Vacation periods will be different. The high school is the final authority on what is required for graduation. Students must work with their counselor to ensure graduation requirements are met, including the High School and Beyond Plan and the testing requirements. College grades may be lower than those received in high school and could affect scholarship eligibility and acceptance into universities. However, most colleges give precedence to students taking more challenging classes.
The classes taken through Running Start will count as high school and college credit. The grade will be included on both high school and college transcripts. The grading policy for each college can be found in the college catalog. A copy of the student’s grades will be sent to the high school at the end of each quarter. The release of information policy is explained in the college catalog. Information will only be disclosed by the college to parents with written consent by the student. The high school will inform parents of their student’s grades if their student is failing or on probation when that information is received. When a student receives an “Incomplete” from a college class, it becomes the full responsibility of the student to complete the work and arrange to have an official transcript sent to the high school when a grade has been earned. An incomplete that is not amended will result in a failing grade on the student’s transcript. Running Start Grading Policies
Sometimes the student wants RST and the family is hesitant. Sometimes the family wants RST and the student is hesitant. This very real conflict has very real consequences both academic, financial, and personal. Do your best to come to a mutual decision that you all support before making this commitment. When we talk as a family, what if we don’t agree?
Take and pass the Accuplacer placement test. (Olympic College students must have a 2.5 cumulative high school GPA) Consult with high school counselor to coordinate classes and make sure graduation requirements are being met. Follow college registration timelines when turning in paperwork. Attend any college orientations offered. Remember, only college level courses (100 or higher) will be available under the Running Start program. Classes below 100 level must be paid for by the student Admissions Process
All students are expected to be in attendance at all college classes. Though college faculty may or may not take attendance, it is the student’s responsibility to be prepared and meet all deadlines each day. Students attending Shelton High School part time are expected to meet Shelton High School’s attendance requirements. Attendance
Any student satisfactorily completing college level courses shall receive high school credit upon receipt of an official transcript from the college. Credit equivalencies will be as follows: Five (5) college credits equal one (1) high school credit. Three (3) college credit equal one half (0.5) high school credit. Whatever grade the student receives for a college class will be part of the high school transcript and, as such, will impact the grade point average (G.P.A.). Students who withdraw from community college classes must wait until the following high school semester and return to SHS. CREDIT EQUIVALENCIES
Testing: EnglishMathScience SBACEOC/SBAC EOC High School and Beyond Plan Presentation and Portfolio 22 credits in all the right areas We have correlates for many graduation requirements: Examples: Eng 101 (5 cr college)= Eng 1.0 SHS Hist 137 OC or Hist 147 AND Hist 148= US 1&2 1.0 SHS Poly 202(5 cr college= Civics + SS elective 1.0 SHS High School Graduation Requirements ( AA requirements will be coordinated with your college advisor)
Both community colleges have academic standing requirements that a student must meet. Failure to maintain sufficient G.P.A. will result in probation and eventual dismissal. Each college catalog outlines that schools’ specific expectations. Remember, getting behind while at the college effects your credit accrual at SHS too. It can have a large impact! Academic Standards
Each SHS course is currently 290 minutes. Enrollment verification paperwork is turned in EVERY trimester by the student to the college after meeting with the SHS counselor. Students must be full time either at the high school, community college, or a combination. Students may be full time Running Start and take classes at the high school, or vice versa, but should carefully weigh the advisability of taking on too much. The high school will not pay for classes audited at the college and students that overenroll are responsible for their fees at the college. Enrollment Ratio
The Running Start student may be eligible to participate in sports providing the student is in compliance with all eligibility rules required of other students. The RS student would be eligible at SHS provided the student: Has not graduated and has remaining sports eligibility. Is attending either SHS or a community college equivalent to a full time student. Has enrolled in Running Start by procedures of SHS. Has signed agreement with Athletic department re: agreement. Sports Eligibility
The RS student will be ineligible if the student: Is not enrolled as a full time student between SHS and the community college. Does not maintain passing grades in 5/6 (including CSI) and an overall G.P.A. of 2.0 from previous grading period. Fails to attend RS classes “regularly” (defined as 5/6 of the time) Fails to attend practices and contests as required by the WIAA. Does not comply with the graduation requirements including attending and passing their CSI class/ equivalence. Students need to be aware that failing, vacating, or withdrawing from a course at the college may make that student ineligible for athletics. Students must be attending classes with the possibility of earning credit in order to retain athletic eligibility. Sports Eligibility Cont.
College Option: Olympic College has GEN-S 133 as the correlate for our CSI requirements. If you are an OC student, your options are a SHS class or both OC courses. SPSCC also has HDEV 102 as a correlate, so if you are an SPSCC student, this is course or SHS CSI. * These courses must be completed in the Fall or Winter to be ready to present in the Spring. This is true for Juniors active in RST as well as obviously the SR who may have just started in their 12 th grade year. SHS Classroom Option: You are welcome to maintain your SHS CSI class, and will need to attend regularly. This will be part of your reported minutes of SHS on your verification. C.S.I./ HSBP
ALL STUDENTS will present a HSBP presentation at SHS. In your presentation will be a continued, updated High School and Beyond plan within your portfolio. All students are welcome to submit scholarship portfolios in their senior year that will be formatted consistently with the other SHS students. YOU are responsible to communicate with Carol English about your intentions regarding scholarships. CSI/HSBP
Accuplacer tests are given at OC by appointment and SPSCC in the testing center (walk in but make sure you have time to complete the test). If you earn passing scores, schedule a meeting with your counselor to fill out your advising tool before May 10 th. Make certain you have saved the date for the Spring/Fall RST seminar May 10 th at either 8am or 4pm. You are still eligible for RST if you pass your test after these May dates BUT securing the courses you want means you need to operate within these timelines. Important Tidbits…
Discuss the pros and cons of the program for YOU. Register with your CSI teacher with 12 classes AND RST. Take the Accuplacer. Bring your scores to your SHS counselor. Complete Advising Tool with your counselor and family. Complete your RSEVF with your counselor then college. This PowerPoint, the Advising Tool and a RSEV form are on the SHS counseling web page. A-G Rhiannon Barrow H-N Zach Miller O-Z Susie Honaker Wirzbicki Next Steps